You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. You must ensure that you are sending no more than 50 characters within your transaction registration POST and if the cardholder's name is longer than this you will need to send the first 50 characters only. Please refine the search. The BillingAddress field which you have provided is longer than what is allowed. If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. The solution is just steps away! The card type you sent in the CardType field is not active on your account. You will need to check your code to ensure that you have supplied this value in the Vendor field. e.g. The BillingAddress field, if provided, can only contain a maximum of up to 200 characters. The vendor does not match with the vendor who registered the token. The Email Message contains invalid characters. The Cardholder Name contains invalid characters. You cannot execute the specified command without administrative privileges. Accepted values for this field are: VISA (Visa Credit), MC (MasterCard credit), DELTA (Visa debit), UKE (Visa Electron), MAESTRO (you can still send SWITCH for older cards), AMEX (American Express), DC (Diner's Club) and JCB (Japan Credit Bureau cards). You will need to check your card, and if it has expired, you will need to destroy the card and use a different card type for the transaction. You can do this by highlighting each device and pressing the Delete key. You will need to enter the name of the credit or debit card holder in the Card Holder box provided on the payment page. Unable to find the transaction for the or supplied. You cannot set the administrator password using vspaccess. bloomfield, nj water meter replacement. Also check to see if you have submitted the full VPSTxId, including the hyphens and curly brackets. The expiry date of the card that you have entered on the payment pages is in the past. The SuccessURL field must contain a Fully Qualified Domain Name and page reference pointing to the externally visible page on your site which your customers can be returned to if a transaction succeeds. e: A black screen should appear. The CustomerEMail field, if supplied, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters long. You will need to ensure that you have entered the full card number correctly and only those numbers that appear on the front of the card and try again. You must ensure that your code is sending a valid amount within this field formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. Please check and retry, There was error processing the payment at the bank site. The card ExpiryDate value should always be presented in a MMYY format (a two-digit month followed by a two-digit year) and this should never include any separators such as a forward slash (/) or a hyphen (-). A Postcode field contains invalid characters. The RelatedTxAuthNo field should only ever contain the TxAuthNo (otherwise known as the VPSAuthCode) for the original transaction which you are performing a REFUND, REPEAT or AUTHORISE for. The TxType field (also called PaymentType in very old protocols) should contain the type of transaction you wish to perform. You will need to check that this field is sending the correct reference. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. Solution for Facebook Billing Card Issue : Card not Supported Intel UHD/Iris Xe/Iris Plus Graphics Driver | Driver Details | Dell India You will need to try a different card type. On the General tab of the System configuration window, click the Normal Startup option, and then click OK . The CardHolder field in the transaction registration POST can only contain up to 50 characters. the card range not supported by the system - You will need to check your code to ensure that the CV2 value provided consists of either three or four digits only depending on the card type selected. cannot be before , please check. The RelatedVendorTxCode value is too long. 2. Although a facet of Visa, Visa Electron cards are processed using a different merchant identification mechanism that is not supported by Blackbaud Merchant Service. The reason why Microsoft basic display adapter is on the device manager because the pc is not detecting any graphic card on your device it will be better if you going to try to manually reinstall the graphic driver first. Alternatively, if you had entered the start date incorrectly please re-enter the correct start date and start again. If you are received this system message when using the My Sage Pay admin area, we would recommend you view the system monitor page to ensure there are no issue or alternatively, contact our customer services team. This system message would only be generated if you have integrated using the Direct method where you are colleting the customers card details to send across to Sage Pay. The CustomerEMail field, if provided, can only contain up to a maximum of 255 characters. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? The command passed in the parameter was not recognised. Either the currency requested is not available for this payment system, or the supplied combination of currency and paymentsystem is not available for this vendor account. Any current video adapter will meet this spec. whose number you've supplied in the CardNumber field. The VendorEMail field, if supplied when posting your transaction registration, must contain a valid e-mail address which is less than 255 characters in length. Your transaction registration must contain a Description field which contains a brief (100 characters or less) description of the transaction being performed. The Card Range requires 3D-Authentication, its not supported by the vendor. You will receive this error message if we are not provided with the CardNumber field when you have POSTed your transaction registration. 4021 : The Card Range not supported by the system. This field can contain up to 10 characters. Please check and retry. You are only able to refund in the same currency as the original transaction. "card not supported" on a credit card machine Credit Card Processing Blog This only occurs if there are problems with your POSTing component. VGA card not supported by UEFI driver (weird pixelation????) Your Notification URL must contain a fully qualified domain name (beginning with http:// or https://) and be less than 255 characters in length. The Transaction has already been Released. Basically, if the feature is supported, THEN the response code is 206 and the response contains HTTP header Content-Range with info about the bytes included in the response. Cannot refund mobile transactions for this acquirer. This can be used to describe the goods being purchased or the nature of the transaction. If the monitor page indicates that there are no issues, please contact us for more information. The message POSTed to the Sage Pay system was of an invalid type. The authorisation response was taking longer than expected and has therefore timed-out as a security measure. c: Add this ending to the target field: dxlevel 91. d: Run the game. The SuccessURL field must contain a Fully Qualified Domain Name and page reference pointing to the externally visible page on your site which your customers can be returned to if a transaction succeeds. You will need to check your code to ensure that your server does not send more than 100 characters within this field. You will need to contact the Sage Pay support team to inform them which Vendor account you were using when this error occurred. A valid ##### value is required, this should be either ##### or #####. Unable complete transaction due to resubmission of authorisation request by client. The Basket field can contain a maximum of up to 7,500 characters and you will get this system message if you are sending more than 7,500 characters. The storetoken value is invalid, If a value is supplied, should contain either 0 or 1. 3D Secure rule not added. The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. A valid value is required in the format The BillingAgreement flag is invalid. The GiftAid field can only contain 1 (Allow Gift Aid) or 0 (Do not Allow it). If you receive this message, it means that the transaction has been successfully Registered. The StartDate is in the future. You must send the card holder's name in the CardHolder field of your transaction registration POST otherwise you will receive this system message. It should contain no more than 40 characters consisting only of letters and numbers matching the value passed for the original transaction. 3. You will need to use a different card if you wish to proceed with the transaction. You signed in with another tab or window. The Delivery City contains invalid characters. You will need to ensure that you are passing a valid amount formatted to the correct number of decimal places for the chosen currency. No further action required. It would be good to implement the error codes such as: 4020 : Information received from an Invalid IP address 4009 : The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. Please ensure that you only use a fully qualified URL. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. If you need to process this transaction, you will need to process the Authenticated transaction again. The PhoneID is not registered to any vendor account. You will need to use the previous card if this was a replacement card issued by your card-issuing bank. The PaymentSystem does not support direct refund. The supplied is not available on any merchant accounts associated with this vendor account. When the card number is entered into the Opayo system we use the range to identify the card type, and validity of the number before processing the transaction. Returned when a transaction is declined or rejected. The Delivery Address contains invalid characters. Thank you for your reply. If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. There are a few different reasons that you might get this response when a payment fails: Some debit cards require a PIN to be entered. The create token value is invalid, should be either 1 or 0. If you have not supplied the correct value in the RelatedVPSTxId field, have not submitted it in full or it is incorrectly formatted then you will receive this system message when our systems try to validate the post. Incorrect Fixed value entered. When you receive the notice: "card not supported" on your credit card machine, it means just that - the specific card brand (or type) you are attempting to charge is not supported by your processor (or you are yet to register for processing that card brand). You will receive this error message for usually one or two reasons - if your Terminal ID's have not been set up correctly with your merchant bank or if we are experiencing intermittent authorisation issues where we have not been able to contact your merchant bank when requesting authorisation.
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