This, to ancient peoples, was regarded as disaster. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Based in Austin, TX, the EarthSky team has a blast bringing you updates on your cosmos and world. You no longer see yourself for what you want to see. Told me i had to go. If disposed to a cautious approach, you may grind to a halt. feeling old and lonely. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. You will be learning about your own inner strength during the course of this transit. Progress made during this transit period is likely to bring us rewards in our careers and/or our social livesif not now, in the future. Carry these lessons as you move beyond this phase, because how you handle your life now will make all the difference the next time (7 years later) Saturn makes a hard aspect to the same planet or point in your chart. Used correctly, its transits can bring dignity and self-respect. However, the first stage of this process is rather severe and unforgiving, so take your time before making any major decisions. This can lead to some feelings of isolation or a feeling of being un-parented and alone in this world. You will have to keep silent. But that's not all; you were able to do those hard work without taking the rest that you want to have. There are always threats or threatening circumstances around you at these times, and you have to learn to conserve your energy, and be patient and careful. Although Saturn transits are not traditionally considered blessings, Saturn does seem to know when we are in need of some stability, steadiness, and even cooling down, and these periods are often when Saturn trines and sextiles our personal planets or points. If you resist the demands placed upon you, you can become angry from trying to make things happen against the will of the times. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Mars teaches you to conserve your energy and use it more efficiently, as well as to discipline yourself, with its resultant inhibitions and frustrations. Others might notice that you are a little withdrawn socially, perhaps sarcastic or negative in your speech, and less available in general. Like him, you'll feel anxious every time in your dream and also might feel it wasn't your own dream. Results are not immediate, but will eventually come and bring healthy rewards. Mars Conjunct Natal Mars. You must not low your guard down and have your relaxation. But that's not all; you were able to do those hard work without taking the rest that you want to have. It is the right thing to do and the right time. Relationships built on weak foundations may not survive, but other relationships can be improved and strengthened. RESERVE NOW EXPLORE MEARS CONNECT. You can also predict the circumstances, trends, and reactions of an individual. This may be the reason we are not getting back what we want from important people in our lives. You do not want anything that will make your life worse. Because if you don't volunteer yourself, it will turn into frustration. One purpose of this period is to slow movement down sufficiently so that you can see clearly what you truly want and what you don?t want. It may be easy or difficult to handle - depending on the planets involved as well as the consciousness of the person. Transiting Saturn square Uranus Saturns influence is felt more acutely and in the form of a challenge when Saturn transits square or opposition to a personal planet. You must be careful, however, with machinery or potentially dangerous instruments, because the repressed energies can cause you to get hurt by working with them. To quote and reserve your charter bus service and for help with . While the changes come quite naturally and flowingly with the trine, the sextile represents opportunities that need to be grabbed. It is a good time to develop patience and tolerance, and act with discipline and perseverance to produce modest results, knowing that this period will pass, instead of fighting with more energy and provoking more opposition. The superficial reading is that they bring all sorts of calamities. In some cases, we may end friendships over disagreements at this time, or come close to doing so. Frustration is due to other people standing in your way. I just definitely see it as psychological tension released. But nowadays, astrologers have seen that this prediction brings false designation. On the one hand, exercise and physical activity can help you release pent up energy. This can lead to considerable frustration where the smallest things can send you over the edge. (There may be more than one). Our thinking is clear, and we can study and absorb information, perhaps not more readily, but certainly more deeply. Saturn Conjunct Mars Natal You set out to make things last, including your body. Transiting Saturn wants to inhibit the assertive energies of Mars and you should only take on projects with narrow objectives, so you are focused avoid far reaching plans and be more careful as accidents can happen more during this time Useful Saturn Conjunct Natal Mars Crystals Onyx Ruby Chart Learn Astrology Videos Lunar Node Axis Shift Your desire to take action will be frustrated by numerous limitations imposed on you. It's more benefitting if you'll have yourself on getting strict. Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Chiron You're perhaps tempted to wail at a fundamental injustice against you. Letting go of things that truly do not work for you anymore may be necessary, but there is also a strong probability that an existing partnership can be redefined and strengthened. We are less inclined to jump to conclusions or to make poor judgments, simply because we take into consideration the consequences, the probable outcome, and the bottom line. Saturn transits tend to have a longer tail of separation than most other transits. Too much energy accumulated in tension can explode in the form of an accident or cause health problems. It can choose you to your right path, excluding you from experiencing misnomer. All rights reserved. Tonights Sky | You might begin a new romance that is considerably more mature in nature than previous ones, or your current relationships might become more practical or reliable. When transiting Saturn is conjunct your natal Mars: Depending on your temperament, this can either be a time of great frustration or major achievement. Sun Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Work on Your Ideas - HoroscopeJoy Transiting Saturn sextile or trine Jupiter When transiting Saturn trines or sextiles our natal Moon, we feel more in control of our emotions, our domestic affairs, and our personal habits. This causes you to look within, and you can learn about yourself. Saturn Transits in Astrology: Predictions | Cafe Astrology .com Positively, and especially with the conjunction, this can be a time for overcoming a fear or addiction, although there is likely to be initial impatience and a struggle involved. To succeed, there is first a need to face reality squarely, even if its unsavory. Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, by Erin Sullivan. The best thing to do now is to act with discipline and perform some hard work, so that that energy is directed outward. Mars Conjunct Mars Aspects Natal and Transit | You will have to learn to be more careful in your dealings with everything that has authority over you. Learning to let go of regrets is a major theme of this transit. All rights reserved. Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. It is important to remember that this is very much our perception at this time, and it can be managed if we are aware of the general meaning of Saturns influences. We may be given to sulking, feeling sorry for ourselves, dredging up the past, and focusing on what we havent done or cant do. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. When Saturn transits square or opposition the Moon, we may be feeling overlooked, left out, on our own, and even uncared for. Our personal popularity is weakened temporarily, and business may also be affected. Moderation in these areas is easier to maintain. Mars will conjunct Saturn at 2224 Aquarius on April 4. We are likely to experience communication problems. However, a lack of direction can mean that you struggle to get much done, and promising avenues often turn out as dead-ends. I read that this is usually a time of experiencing constraints in activities and somewhat frustrating period as one can feel blocked. Learn to relax and not accumulate tension or anxiety. Differences of opinion can be harder to tolerate than usual, as they seem to be blocking your progress nowit feels personal. You might meet mentors or those older or wiser than you who have something important to teach you. sun. At first, you know that the feature of these planets is so different from each other. Saturn Transits to Natal Mars - Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Financial matters might be stressful for the time being, which forces you into a position of conservation and moderation. One friend with transiting Mars-Saturn squaring her natal Pluto wrote, "I'm feeling confronted with this left, right and center." You can hear Mars in the word "confronted" and the overwhelm feeling that can be . I felt a clearing release nasally. Sun conjunct Saturn Transit The Sun conjunct Saturn transit can bring many people more recognition, success and the opportunity to get promoted. Saturn Transits: Predictive Astrology - Techniques for Predicting the Future Back to Predictive Astrology Main Page Overview: Saturn takes about 28-29 years to come full circle. Saturn wants us to work hard, put our energies into practical, useful, and meaningful projects, and to live in the here and now. When Saturn transits square or opposition Mars: This is a time when we face obstacles, blockages, or opposition to our sense of freedom, our drive, and our ambitions. Saturn transits to your natal Mars produce a lot of competitiveness and irritability because of feeling the weight of all your limitations and restrictions. We are essentially conserving our energy for those things that do work for us, and we work on building and strengthening them. You stand to learn much from your experiences and interactions with others now. Yet, life has taught you how to pace yourself and persevere. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. But if you have dotted all the i?s and crossed all the T?s, and took care of everything, Saturn transits can also bring rewards. Understand everything and work with them on good terms. Suppose you are burning your candle at both ends. You go through the motions, but your passion is halted. What we learn now, we retain. Often, any action taken by letting yourself be carried away by your frustration has great potential to turn against you and become a failure, so you must learn self-discipline and perseverance, without explosions or anger, even if you feel provoked and blocked by people or circumstances. You might often have the inexplicable feeling that something awful will happen a feeling of doom. Others may think you deserve a promotion. Mars Conjunct Ascendant: Facing These People And Transit Head On! If you look at it in a sexual way, it can bring you immense stamina and active life in the future. However, these generally happen because you havent been managing your life effectively, and Saturn calls upon you to identify the weaker areas of your life, and to fix or strengthen them. The best way of handling this energy is to recognize that its a time to slow down and re-evaluate our personal lives, and that pushing ourselves to do too much will be frustrating and possibly costly. As the transit progresses, you will be learning to direct your energies into endeavors that are truly helpful and useful to you. Also, individuals with Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit and with Mars Conjunct Chironshould avoid getting into a fight because of their frustration. Questions of beauty, attractiveness, social charm and grace, and financial power can be themes now. Only by confronting yourself will you overcome doubts, and you will be able to distinguish the part played by external circumstances in your difficulties, and the part you play yourself. We are able to formulate plans, lists, and budgets and we think things through. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Conjunct Saturn Mars Conjunct Saturn Important matters come to your attention-duties can motivate you. You'll also need to explore and have your opinion involving pleasure and pain. Mars Conjunct Mars An urgency seizes hold of you that prompts you to focus more on what you must do. You can now be victim of your own aggressive feelings, whether you express them or not. But panic won't help you. Mears - Car, Limo, Bus Charter, Shuttle & Taxi Services You may also read. EarthSky | Earth, Space, Sun, Human, Tonight As well, you are now especially concerned with how a partner makes you feel attractive and wanted. We have much to learn from older people in our lives, and during this transit, we are more likely to actually listen to what they have to say, and learn from them. Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. Its time to slow down a little, catch your breath, experience some defeats, all in order to come back stronger, more controlled, directed, and mature in your expectations and approach to the world. It is very hard for us to see the big picture during this period. Something like it wasn't you. Saturn always brings clarity and you may see events or experiences more clearly or from a mature perspective. That prediction can forecast trends and development that you can have in the future. When transit Mars is opposite your natal Saturn, others apparently react very intensely to you. Orlando, Florida bus charters are ideal for large groups, corporate events, conventions, trade shows, sport teams, sporting events, school field trips, parties, weddings, family reunions, church events and more. energy low depression high. Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Natal Neptune Pretty close saturns. You may also read Mars Conjunct Jupiter. The transit of Mars trine your natal Saturn makes you very patient and puts you in a position to do things well. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. hope I make it. Transiting Saturn in aspect to the North Node We are more in touch with our bodies in the sense that we see them for what they are, and many begin exercise programs during this transit. At the same time, it can make them feel deprived of happiness, insecure and that their life is harder than usual. Seriousness of thought is likely now, as you crave simple answers and truths. People were bound to the same routine year after year. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Hard aspects are associated with troublesome social relationships or withdrawal from socializing as part of a necessary process of personal growth. You know in what area you must be disciplined and where you must apply your effort in order to overcome your difficulties. Mars conjunct Saturn transit can be quite variable in effect. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Then to make a hard choicethat is, to reach an emotional bottom line and not be crippled by your awareness of the ambiguities in your situation. You may have fights and arguments with your co-workers because they do not seem to show you the respect you want. Its a strong time for realigning your projects and getting your life priorities straightened out. At these times in our lives, we know what our responsibilities are, and we meet them. When transiting Saturn trines or sextiles our natal Sun, we feel more comfortable with who we are. This transit favors any effort that is made to improve health. Family matters assume more importance in our lives now, and we meet our responsibilities with maturity and competence. The transit of Saturn opposite your natal Mars is very difficult. We may be more open to receiving grounded, practical advice. (This is, incidentally, one of the best aspects for starting an exercise routine, another being Saturn trine Ascendant). If you experience the transit, then you might have dreams like someone who have shared his story about it. While you should definitely take some time to come to terms with what you are now seeing, you should also understand that in the initial stages of this transit your thinking is skewed towards the negative. One of the major sources of stress and guilt in our lives stems from uncertainty. Something may happen now that restricts your freedom of movement in some manner, and you are in the position to redirect your energies. We are ridding ourselves of projects that no longer serve their purpose, and learning to cut out the fluff in our lives so that we can focus on projects that truly matter. But you see, if you put aside your emotions and opinions, you'll get to see the positive side. You might feel a little hardened or toughened up, but as long as this puts you in a more realistic state rather than a resentful one, this may not be such a bad thing. You will be feeling very on edge and anything can trigger your anger especially if you are already . This can also be a time when you begin to question your ability to attract others or what you want from life. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. As you go with the flow, you need to be brave to take the risk. You can also overwork yourself to exhaustion, damaging your physical health due to tensions and anguish. Saturn has a way of identifying weak links or weak foundations and applying pressure on them. This may be a time when we cut out projects or possibly relationships that are no longer working for us, or that have been built on weak foundations. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Exerting too much force can have unpleasant consequences, especially if it is a reaction to something you dislike. Other people can be more irritating than other times, and they try your patience. These are moments of activity in which there is a lot of concentrated energy. Being patient and accepting the limitations to your desires can fortify you for the occasion when restrictions no longer impede you. This is one of the most critical moments for demonstrating your worth, working under adverse conditions. During the Mars conjunct Saturn transit, you may tend to divert your attention to important issues, requiring that enough focus is placed on making your motivations more realistic. It is a good time to learn how to take care of your health and your balance at the physical and psychological level. Our overall manner in social situations is more mature, and we can easily make a good impression with our peers and with those older than us. You may be withdrawing yourself emotionally as you become more serious, critical, and concerned about a significant relationship in your life. Note to self that Saturn has a different temperament. It is an excellent time to outline projects because you know exactly how they should be carried out. It becomes unpleasant to see and to understand the situation. Mars Conjunct Saturn In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry Its a time to draw on your patience and determination since obstacles tend to emerge more than usual, but theyre also temporary. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. You are learning to rely on yourself, as well as to adopt a humbler approach to others. This can all take place in your inner world, but for many, there is an external trigger in the form of an event or circumstance that changes your perception of things. This also invites you to look within yourself. It is a good time to act towards a predetermined direction and work hard to achieve the goal you want. If you look at it in a sexual way, it can bring you immense stamina and active life in the future. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Its time to assess your relationship needs, attitudes, and capabilities. But if you'll stick to your routine and plans, that will save you from your dark thoughts. Transportation Services provides the students of Brevard Public Schools with a reliable, safe, and friendly ride to and from school, events, and other district approved activities. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Its a signal to work on improving your manner as well as the things that you offer to others in partnership. Take some time to be alone, to reflect, and to understand what it is you want back from life on an emotional level. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. You need the respect of others, and you must learn to get it. Freakouts, Fatigue, Fighting: The Mars-Saturn Mashup| Astrostyle Some projects or ideas might need to be left behind so that you can conserve your energy for those that truly work for you, and that you can feel honestly confident about. When transiting Mars is conjunct your natal Saturn: You are highly aware of the realities of life and your own limitations. Perhaps the best way to handle hard Saturn transits to personal planets and points is to avoid fighting these lessons. On that date, Saturn was just 6 arcminutes from Jupiter . There can be difficulties encountered with technology or group associations. Fears that you might get hurt could be self-fulfilling prophecies if you are not careful now. For example, if the Moon rules your 5th house, you might be less inclined to jump into a romantic fling during this transiting trine and more capable of dealing with children. Parents Click Here to View ReaXium Information. Rather than succumbing to the temptation to feel sorry for yourself, accept whatever limitations you face now as an opportunity to improve and grow in a very specific and disciplined way. The transit of Mars conjunct your natal Saturn can be quite difficult. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn means to have a problematic situation and mindset. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. You can be the victim or the provocateur of aggressive intentions in others. You should focus your attention on following a defined approach. You may experience a certain disdain for superficial interactions with others, either because you now view them as unnecessary, fake, or distracting. Old bad habits may resurface for resolve. Saturn comes around and you get sick. But sometimes it's hard to figure out whether the source of your slow-yet-steady advances is due to your circumstances, or holding yourself back. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. Transit Saturn Conjunct Mars, Personalized Astrology reports and readings Saturn transits have been feared for centuries. When Saturn transits square or opposition Venus: This might be a time of relationship tests, struggles, or trials. However, it can also be a time where you can accomplish a great amount of difficult work. Our lives seem more stable during this time period, likely because we are able to look at ourselves in a realistic and reasonable manner. I accepted. We tend to be self-critical and/or we feel that others do not support or recognize us enough. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. And yes, these transits are associated with ?Murphy?s Law?, if something can go wrong, it will. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. In the body it represents the processes of ageing. Health issues blooming in a weed garden. If things or people leave your life, it is likely because the connection between you was weak, or they somehow no longer serve a healthy purpose in your life. This period is especially critical for the health, and accidents are likely, so it would be convenient to have a medical check-up. When Saturn transits square or opposition the Sun, we may experience some form of disillusionment with regards to an important person in our life, with authority figures, with personal plans and achievements, or with aspects of our own personality. Perhaps Saturn is headed for your 6th House (work). Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Wherever you find Cancer in your chart, you will notice this mature and steady energy. Transportation / Transportation Home - Brevard Public Schools Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. The purpose of this transit is for recognizing how our emotions that are not being met, acknowledged, or supported is negatively impacting our lives, and for taking steps to change that. Conjunct means: Power joins together the energies of Saturn and Mars. Your email address will not be published. Its not the best time to present your ideas, but rather to reassess them, and work on perfecting them for presentation at a later date. It is possible that you are paying the frustrating consequences of the unsuitable actions you took seven or fourteen years ago, and now they do not allow you to act freely. Saturn Transits to Natal Saturn - But wanting to take care of every responsibility in a rush may cause you to feel irritated and exhausted, and even have your attention moved from your true intentions. Today, you are aware of your reactions to certain people or circumstances, and you can get to know yourself much better. This book is heavy reading, but powerful and insightful. Initially, you might feel frustrated and thwarted, or you may experience a lack of drive and enthusiasm. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. after I ensure this I have transiting Pluto oppose my ascendent 3 times this year. This could lead to many pent-up feelings, including anger. And finally, in a spirit of commitment, persistence, and self-discipline, to claim those circumstances in your life which reflect the hard inner work youve been doing over the last few years. Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. And you'll still think that it is still making your life hard. Problems with teeth often accompany this transit. Self-reliance is characteristic of these times, and some of us are less sociable during these transits. Thus, relationship tests may occur now. Although this sometimes is a debilitating interval, it usually manifests only if you fight the current and insist on going against the grain. Whether our talents and abilities, and our unique individuality and character, are recognized by others becomes especially important to us. Better start saving right now to make sure that you have reserve cash. If you can't find a way to channel that anger out, then it could easily collapse within and become depression or an overall physical malaise. The purpose of this transit is to pare down your thinking process, improve your communication skills, and simplify your tasks. Saturn teaches us about the value of moderation and caution. Mars Conjunct Saturn Natal One of your greatest gifts is endurance, if only because life has taught you how to pace yourself and patiently wade through treacherous times. Your efforts will be recognized. Disappointment comes from unfulfilled desires. Transiting Saturn conjunct, sextile, trine, square, or in opposition to the Part of Fortune If your direction is not clear, you will feel very irritable. We might discover that we have not left enough doors open to our inner worlds, or that we have not been supportive of others in tangible ways. You must be responsible and aware of your mistakes and also have the necessary discipline to correct them.
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