We come before You with hearts full of love and gratitude, seeking Your presence and power in our lives. He began honestly expressing his hurts and fears to God, asking for help, then hed conclude with a praise-filled declaration of Gods love, power, presence, and character. Aaronic Blessing. "Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. Calm our anxious spirits. Amen. The petition or request should be specific and relate to the worship service. Please forgive us for the idols we place above you. Therefore, our goal must always be to elevate our Savior and seek His kingdom purposes. Thank you for your presence with us here today, and for all that we have heard to inspire and encourage us. If thats you, and youre able to pray an effective prayer extemporaneously, keep it up! I thank you for the friends and family members of these graduates. When we keep this truth in mind, our hearts will be more apt to follow, and when our hearts are filled with Christ, we can feel confident that our plans and desires are in line with His. Grateful for the 15th Cavalry Regiment-its history and role in preserving our freedom. This heritage which provides strong and colorful threads in Americas fabric contributes to not just the beauty of America, but also the strength of our nation and the might of our military. Thank you for their family members and friends who provided the support and encouragement these graduates needed to finish their course work. We begin to rely on our strength and wisdom, grow prideful of our gifts, and compare our righteousness with others instead of against the standards and perfection of our holy God. As children of God and joint heirs with Christ, we are to no longer live for ourselves but to live for the glory of God and service to mankind (2 Cor. 0000000736 00000 n Thank you so much for this Chaplain Kit Book of Prayer. I pray that you will continue to bless them, encourage them and strengthen them for the days ahead. xref We give you thanks today for the United States of America. Only You know the true impact each of them have had over the years. As we look over this group of graduates today, were also reminded of the great cost of our freedom over the years. Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily experiences of life. Another important aspect of an invocation prayer is the use of scriptural references or quotes. May the Lord bless you and keep you. A Prayer for Protection Lord, Thank you for the men and women who have stepped up to serve and protect our country. Prayer isnt about us convincing or cajoling God to bless our plans and desires. May we never forget the price that has been paid for our freedom and grant us the courage to protect what you have give us. Be also with his wife, ___________________, that she would not only be supportive of her husband, but that she will also receive all the support that she needs. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Sample Closing Prayers for Worship Services That Inspire You are our Wisdom and our Strength. Again we thank you for this time together and for all who have gathered here today. Thank you for always going before us. We also ask that you bless the food that we will be receiving, that it will bring nourishment to our bodies that we might grow stronger to serve you better. Here is a sample opening prayer that you can use: "Father, we come before You today with humble hearts. Amen.. Lord, into your most holy presence we now come. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. We thank you for watching over us and sustaining us as a nation. Help them to turn to you as they need the strength to go on; and the courage to face another day. Continue to be with each of them as they further develop as Soldiers and scouts. It is a way to acknowledge the holiness and sovereignty of God and to ask for his guidance, protection, and blessings as the service begins. Help these men, and all of us, to be more committed to the cause of freedom both here in the United States and around the world. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression. Not only did he recognize his need for a purified heart, he also understood only God could perform the purging. Thank you for their leaders who have rained them to be the best soldiers that they can be. We thank you for the peace that you give us, your peacethat can exist within us even when all around us there is no peace. May your presence make a difference in our lives. In short, we treat our all-powerful, sovereign Creator as if He were a Genie at our disposal who exists for our pleasure. Special effort has been made to maximize the inclusiveness of the contents and should be adequate in meeting the pluralistic needs of our diverse military community. Because no branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Thank You for Your constant presence and Your care for each of us, no matter where we go and what we do. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven; And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: And was made man: And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: And on the third day He rose again according to Scriptures: And ascended into heaven: And sits at right hand of His Father whence He shall come to judge both quick and dead: Whose kingdom shall have no end.. We acknowledge your holiness and sovereignty and ask for your guidance, protection, and blessings as we begin this service. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow The Chaplain Kit and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Lord is the strength of His people, a fortress of salvation for His anointed one (Psalm 29:8, NLT). May their hearts be won by our love, and may their lives be turned toward your peace. Forgive us for taking that. Let us raise our eyes, knowing that this new life of stewardship for all Gods creation is seen in the life of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior. To be meek, prausin the original Greek, indicates the quiet strength of the one who, operating self-restraint, stands firm under Gods control. We ask that You would reveal Yourself to us in new and deeper ways. Additionally, according to Title 17, U.S. Code, 105, copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government so U.S. government-produced works (videos, pictures and/or text) may appear on this website with or without notice of origin without violating U.S. copyright law. Thank you for this opportunity to gather together as fellow sojourners on this journey, to pause for a moment and lift up our prayers for our comrades, our nation and our leaders. We often forget our true purpose and eternal destiny. We are here Lord, your people, your Church gathering together in your presence. We ask all this in your powerful, loving and matchless name, amen. Thou hast said, Seek ye first the kingdom of God. If our hearts are right with Thee, Thy will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. It's possible to use invocations for all occasions, such as graduations, city council meetings and religious . Make the prayer specific to the worship service and the needs of the congregation. Thank you also, Lord, for their families and friends who support hem in this worthy and honorable profession. We ask that your hand be ever on these soldiers who graduate today, both in and out of harms way. (an invocation prayer) Almighty God, Thank you for your love, risen from the grave and freely offered for us all. May the events that we have remembered here tonight be more than just a memory, but rather a lesson. I thank you for their many, many years of faithful and honorable service to our nation as they have been a part of our military which has brought freedom and peace to many people around the world, while preserving our own. In fact, thats one of His primary goalsthat we know Him, deeply and intimately, and live continually connected to Him. Come near to [Me], and [I] will Come near to you." Grant that as we celebrate Thy Nativity our lives shall radiate Thy love, Thy humility and Thy selflessness. Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protection; that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. Be with him now as he is active leading soldiers in the War on Terror. Father, we pray especially for the family of SGT ____________. 5:3), and The meek will inherit the earth" (Matt. For the significance of this wedding day we thank you. We thank you for your continued guidance over the destiny of our Regiment of Mounted Riflemen and pray that each of us as Cavalry Troopers will follow your direction throughout our lives. The use of the various media materials on this site (video, pictures and/or text) which are not designated as being original, is protected by Title 17, U.S. Code, 107 which allows for the rebroadcast or republishing of copyrighted materials for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching scholarship, or research as fair use.. All of this we ask in the name of Him whose service of Thee enriched us all. Be for them all that they need you to be just now and continue to provide for them in every way in the days, weeks, months and years ahead as they face life without their wife, husband, father, mother or child. Thank you for bearing in our joy, peace, patience, love and self-control as your Spirit fruits. 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. I ask that you will empower him to be astrongandwise leader: as enlisted soldiers depend on him for leadership, and the officers count on him for guidance. Please bless us now as we eat and fellowship together. based on the life of Sarah from the Old Testament, and maintains a devotional blog found atJenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.comand on her Crosswalk-hosted blog foundHERE. #&000)0 FdMH@|$M^{:+YpLyZWp)m+H3530 $, Go with us now, Lord we pray, as we reluctantly return to the world out there. The Heart and Purpose of Prayer. For more unique or high-visibility events, Ill usually write out a prayer to ensure that it fits within the programs themeand I dont forget anything. We give You thanks for being with them every step of their journey in the Army and we Know You will continue to be with them in their future. Thank you, Father, for all those with Hispanic background who are a part of what makes America great. Recalibrate our intentions and refocus our hearts. Provide for her everything that she needs to serve with faithfulness, courage and integrity as she continues the great work that Command Sergeant Major, The Chaplain Kit Beyond the TheChaplainKit.com, Establishment of the Army Office of the Chief ofChaplains, First Army African-American CommissionedChaplain, First Army African-American AirborneChaplain, First Army African-American Chief ofChaplains, First Army Female Chaplain in Combat ArmsUnit, First Navy African-American Chief ofChaplains, Places of Divine Worship-Far East AirForces, N.A.S. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Thank you for life itself, for the measure of health, we need to fulfill our callings, for sustenance and for friendship. I thank you for your presence both on 9/11 and today. 10 best opening prayers for worship, church service, and meetings - TUKO Numbers 6:24-26. 0000007879 00000 n We come toyou because this peaceful exchange of command reminds us of the freedom that we have as Americansa freedom thatyou have provided and thatyouallow. We are gathered again in celebration of the safe return of 3-159 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion from Iraq. We give you thanks today for your providence for these great soldiers. O Lord, my God, thank you that you promise to bring satisfaction and fulfillment to all our desires. Help us to be bringers of hope rather than fear. 0000005170 00000 n Thank you that they could be with us today. We pray that your presence would be felt in this place and that we would be transformed by your love. Again, I thank you for each graduate and ask that you will not only bless them but give them strength, courage and wisdom for the assignments they will now enter into. We ask that your face would shine on us. You surely love them as much as you love us. We ask you to help us to remember the courage and the heroic achievements of past Brave Riflemen who served you and now entrust the lineage of our regiment to us. Thank you for this day that you have given to us and for this occasion that brings us together which reminds us of the strength of our military and the freedom it defends, as well as the role that the 501. plays in the defense of freedom here in Korea. David, Ancient Israels second king and the man God Himself said was a person after His heart, excelled in this. Now Lord, gazing toward that great looking buffet, I pray that you will bless the food that we will soon eat, that it will nourish us to be stronger to serve better. Ipray this in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. In Jesus name, we pray. And we pray that You keep all of us strong and vigilant as we guard the frontiers of freedom around the world. We are open to each other, and we are open to You. The sample prayers listed here are some of the prayers you could pray while opening a birthday day. Help us also to remember that it is not enough for us only to think about God; He wants us also to act upon what we think. The result? Prayers for Graduation and Graduates - Xavier University He blesses and empowers us to do more than we could dream and multiplies our efforts and ministry. Scripture tells us God inhabits the praises of His people. Amen. Make of us modern wise men who dare to serve Thee from the heat of Vietnam to the pavement of our cities. %%EOF Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death (Psalm 13:3). We love you, and praise you and your majesty. We thank you for your provision for these scouts during the past 16 weeks and the love and support of their families. We know that You have a good plan for each of them, and we pray that You make clear to them those good plans You have for them. Bless also the new commander, CPT ______________, that as he executes his new responsibilities he will do so with wisdom, courage and strength. We pray now Your blessings on this ceremony and all who are attending. This can include a reference to Gods faithfulness or a reminder of his presence with the congregation. Inhabit Our Praises Prayer O Lord, our God, you are worthy of all our praise. Prayer #4. She has a passion for helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. Lent Prayer - 10 Prayers for the 2023 Lenten Season Lord, we come before your throne of grace not trusting in ourselves but in your marvelous and gracious love as it seeks expression among us. In addition to the structure and content of the invocation prayer, it is also important to consider the delivery of the prayer. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Being the sensitive chaplain he was, Chaplain Dukes added. In Jesus Christ's holy name, Amen. Julie Palmer from Prayerscapes shares three creative tips for leading others in prayer at church meetings:-, (suitable for the leader of a meeting to pray before a hymn or time of congregational praise or worship). Help us to open our hearts and minds to hear from You. Bless them for all that they have given up and all that they will give to keep our country free from terror; and other people free form oppression. In Jesus name, we pray. Guide our commanders and staffs to lead us into victory. Help us to remember, dear Lord, that this is not a war against Islam but against extremists and terrorists. Amen.. We ask you to bestow your blessings upon our regiment. Thank you for each of these commanders who are relinquishing their commands today. Throughout our nations history you have raised up such strong and courageous men and women to lead the way in the defense of freedom, those willing to put their lives on the line for that freedom. In your holy and precious name we pray, amen. I thank you for this day and for this occasion that brings us together, as we uncase the Brigades colors, a ceremony which always reminds me of the strength of our military and the character of our Soldiers. I pray that you will continue to be with us, both those here and those traveling home. Thank you also, Lord, for their families and friends who stand behind them today cheering them on to success. Who art a shield and buckler to all who put their trust in thee, bless us, thy servants, and the Army in which we serve. In Jesus' name, amen." "Lord Jesus, we come before You today desiring to know You more. I will be using a few of them as a guideline for my first cadet military ball prayer! When crafting an invocation prayer, it is important to keep the following tips in mind: Here are a few examples of invocation prayers that can be used in a worship service: An invocation prayer is a powerful way to begin a worship service and to invoke the presence and blessings of God. Keep the prayer focused on God and his attributes. Renew our sense of unity, hope and faith through times of testing and difficulty. Go with us now as we leave this place but not your presence. We ask for your peace and harmony. 30 Thanksgiving Prayers - Crosswalk.com Heavenly Father, we confess that it is our custom to accept Thy gifts and direct little thought to the giver. Thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that brings us together as we honor these Service Members who are retiring. The Heart and Purpose of Prayer - Adventist.org Thank you for this day that you have given to us and for this occasion that brings us together which reminds us of the strength of our military and the freedom it defends, as well as the role that the 501st plays in the defense of freedom here in Korea. Thank you for your power and strength of the Holy Spirit to begin opening the eyes of our heart so our devotion can be solely on you. Father, when the trumpeter sounds our final Taps may the Brave Riflemen who served you be called before your throne to receive their eternal reward that you have prepared for them. In short, its intentionally remembering that He is God and we are not. The prayer of invocation isnt fancy or mysterious but it is humble and serious. Invocation Prayer Sample Opening Prayer For a Church Service or Meeting Father, thank you that you have brought each of us safely to this place. It was written by a Christian writer named Isaac Watts in 1707. And with every church service, celebration, and group gathering, God invites us to utter the same plea. Neither is this website affiliated with the Chaplain Corps or Chaplain Schools of any of the aforementioned branches of the United States military. Scripture tells us our hearts are deceitful and prone to pride and selfish ambition. Strengthen us in our resolve to keep faith with all patriots and comrades-in-arms by fearlessly maintaining our liberties so nobly won. 25 powerful calls to worship prayers and declarations. We pray that you will continue to be with him and his family in the days ahead as they shift their focus and energies to other things. Thank you for the positive impact he has had on the Soldiers and mission of the brigade. What to Say in an Opening Prayer for A Birthday Party - Gathered Again Amen. Opening Prayers for Events, Meetings, and Special Occasions Jasmine, I invite you to be present with us this afternoon and pray that everything that is said and done will e pleasing in your sight. Calm our anxious spirits. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up without a father or a mother because of the evil that envelopes us. Again we pray these things in your name, Amen. A fewthoughts aboutprayers: Some chaplains bristle at the thought of writing a prayer or praying a written prayer. Do not interpret this standard as an attempt to instruct your prayers or their contentbut in the interest of Soldiers standing in the formation we need to be spiritual leaders, military professionals and technically proficient at disciplined public prayer. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Numbers 6:22). We know though, that LTC _______________s commitment to the Army and to the United States will not change and we thank you for this. The closing statement or benediction should be a blessing or encouragement for the congregation as they begin the worship service. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. Prayer For Awarding Ceremony. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Hi Natasha, thanks for visiting The Chaplain Kit! I pray that you will continue to be with all of them -and their families- as they move on to the next chapter of their lives. We ask for your direction and guidance. We thank you for this day and for this opportunity to gather together. We ask that you be with us today as we celebrate their accomplishment and help us to remember that it is because of you that we have life and can accomplish anything. 10 Short Prayers For Meetings And Gatherings - The Graceful Chapter May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. Prayers of invocation cause us to give pause during the busyness of our life and refocus on God. Dear God, Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. The invocation prayer is one of the oldest types of man-to-God communication recorded. It is a powerful way to begin a service, as it sets the tone and focus for the worship that will take place. In Jesus' name, amen." " Almighty God, we thank You for the privilege of being able to gather together and worship You. Let us raise our hands and voices in acknowledgment that Gods Holy Spirit moves among us, calling us to new life in Christ. Keep the words of King David fresh in our minds, and renew our hearts to the tune of Your truth.I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5 NIV Let Your peace rain down on us today, as we seek You more than anything else. 1. Your Word promises that You preserve our going out and our coming in from this time forth and even forevermore. But if you seek yourselfyour wisdom, prestige, success and whatever arises from selfish motivationIm not in that. Ive just become the Chaplain of our MOAA chapter and these will be quite helpful. Amen., Gracious and compassionate God, we come before you today with open hearts and minds, ready to receive all that you have for us. But we have a tendency to lose sight of this in our day-to-day service. Help us to understand that we dont need full clarity to walk into the unique purpose Youve inlaid in our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen (Alisha Headley). Amen Father Lord, let your will be done in this fellowship. Ask Me. Dear God in Heaven, We come to you today with grateful hearts for your presence with us and your goodness to us. 5:15). Prayers of Invocation - In The Word Ministries We enter your presence through the matchless name of Jesus, asking you to incline your ear and and hear our prayer. On this day we ask for your presence with us as the command of the 5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment is handed over. Thank you, now for CSM _________________. And I pray that you will especially bless the Republic of Korea and the United States of America as we live and serve together.
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