The Snipers stand well back and have a habit of targeting your squishier guys. The next time Dragn visits your throne room, he will tell you that the armour he is working on has been stolen and tell you that the thief is by the Thorn River. They will spend the first round buffing themselves so hit them with Stinking Cloud and see why it is so highly rated. He also drops some decent loot. You can attack right away or you can speak to him which leads to a number of options. If your party is fatigued, you can choose to rest here since the encounters elsewhere in the area are brutal. When you've killed them, you can open a trapped chest (DC22) by the side of the road which contains 1GP. Head through the hidden door in the north wall. Instead, continue northwest where you will find three Ferocious Wolves and a Kobold Sentinel. Head north to find Hargulka's throne. When you reduce his HP to 0, you will unlock the Fire. Let the three Trollhounds and Branded Troll come to you before disarming it. Enter your settlement in the South Narlmarches (which I assume is called Narlkeep) and start building Dragn's Armor Shop. If you have access to something like Hold Monster, it will come in useful. Backtrack to the trail and continue west. There is also a merchant near the gate if you want to offload junk that you don't want to carry back to civilisation. Head to the villages entrance and tell the guard you want to talk to the leader. All trolls spend most of their time hunting for food, as they must consume vast amounts each day or face starvation. You may want to return here later to tackle the cave. If you want to close off Dorsy's part of the quest, tell him that you gave the coins to Wilber and he will attack. You can go and seek out Jaethal in the inn and speak to her about the quest and find out a bit more about her, including the identity of the 'Nortellara' she mentioned. Continue northeast to the top of the area where you will find a hidden stash with some gems. The ranger will join your group. Drop a Stinking Cloud - it disables the War Wisps quite nicely. Buff up and head down to meet the trolls. You will climb down to a deserted campsite. It doesn't sleep on a pile of gold, but there is a body in its lair with some fantastic loot: a Flaming Earth Breaker +2, the Taldan Whip (2/5), the Professor's Hat and an Extend Metamagic Rod. Get Resist Electricity on your party before you start making your way up the path. Further in, there is a trap (DC21) on the floor. Head down the path and meet a dog. Continue west along the Little Sellen River where you will be able to claim the Scenic Locale kingdom resource. The first task you should see to is enroute to Tuskdale. Backtrack a little and head down the southern corridor. If you examine the walls nearby. The scorched fragments will get you the Necklace of Double Crosses and unlock the Tale Of The Days Long Gone trophy. The Chaotic Good option is slightly more rewarding than the others. I think the trolls are overpowered in your case (or may be Bartholomew died because of AOE damage from your attacks/spells). If your alignment is not lawful or evil, make a quicksave because the optimum outcome to this quest will depend on a skill check. After a short while, you will be attacked by a War Wisp. Picking the flowers is a DC27 check so maybe save scum as well. The best option seems to be the Neutral Evil one which gains you 4500G. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. If you haven't yet levelled up your Treasurer, you should do so. [SPOILER] Bartolomew and the Troll :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Visit him during Season of Bloom, If you annoyed him by insisting to stop his experiments, he will be preparing to leave and has reset. The objective of the quest Guiding Beacon. Unlock the door next to it leading to a treasure room. Head back through the gate and find Kagar. Head a short distance up the slope and Jubilost will announce that this is the place he was searching for, giving you 1800G. Trolls stand about 14 feet tall, but their hunched postures often make them appear shorter. Afterwards, select "We tried to pull the cart out". You will pass the Sapphire Field kingdom resource which is well worth claiming. It means that Jenna slandered her. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. You will find a Falcata +1 inside. Ignore it again and continue deeper into the trees. For what it's worth, the "(Neutral)" option leads to the best outcomes. Upstairs, you will find a couple of Branded Trolls and some Trollhounds along with three containers. Don't rush into the eastern corridor because there are two traps just past the doorway. There are four low pillars around the centre and three are active. There is another group of Dire Boars further down - this is one dangerous village! Make your way down the map to the village gate. Exhaust his conversation options to learn that a spirit calling itself "Great Ancestor" is manipulating Vesket, the village chief. Follow him to the road and you can give him the brooch you found for a decent XP reward. Find Dragn and give him the Onslaught pieces. At the crossroads, head east again and cross over into the Kamelands where you will arrive at the Secluded Lodge. He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. Together with the clue from the bas relief ("using several natural elements"), you are supposed to figure out that you have to target the other pillars with cantrips: Doing so will open up a secret room behind. If you have upgraded Tuskdale to a town, you can construct a Printing House for free. Soon after this, you will need to meet Ekundayo (refer to the quest A Score to Settle) and Jubilost (Renowned Explorer quest). So not terribly useful. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Troll Lair Depths Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Barons Business in Tuskdale Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Troll Lair Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Ruined Watchtower Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Baronial Business after the Troll Trouble Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Dwarven Ruins Walkthrough, College Kings Walkthrough & Complete Guide (All Scenes), Plan B: Terraform Planning For City Growth, PUBG Vikendi Map (Bear Cave, Bunkers, Lab Camps), Soul Knight All Gift Codes (March 2023) Free Gems & Items, Star Stable Codes for Star Coins, Star Rider & Clothes (March 2023). It will be called Troll Lair afterwards. Don't decide what to do with Remus right away. He needs to examine its corpse for more information. Find Lykka and tell her about the Cyclops for 300XP and some gold and gems. I would equip this on Octavia or Linzi, since you don't want to be attacked by someone who would actually benefit from the sneak damage. Apologise to him. Return to Oleg's Trading Post. He will then suggest that your barony might make a good vassal of Pitax. After the place has been made safe, search the hidden and trapped (DC22) panel in the northern wall to find a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2. Before going into the village, you can explore the area. When the 14 days have passed, you will likely have some new events demanding your attention, including Troll Sightings. The room is now filled with Dread Skeleton Soldiers and a Nightmare Skeletal Champion Archer. If the RNG screws you over, reload. Octavia and / or Regongar will want it for their own purposes. The Lawful response here is the best. If you come back later, there will be three Dire Boars here. Tell him that you are hunting trolls as well and he will mark three locations on your map: Dwarven Ruins, Kobold Trail and Troll Clearing. However, if one fails, you can attempt another. Unfortunately, they're not hostile so you can't get the drop on them. Arresting him is somehow Lawful Evil. There is a loot stash on the right-hand wall near the entrance. If you examine the sun and moon statues, you will see the solution to the floor puzzle upstairs: a sort of fish rune and a lightning bolt rune. Before you go in, grab provisions from the drying racks and some Masterwork weapons and a Trident +1 from a weapon rack. Once there, seek out Bokken and ask him to be your court alchemist. Keep heading northeast at the crossroads and then turn east. Make your way to the northeast corner and kill some more oversized amphibians and grab another Token of the Dryad. Clear another trap and continue northwest to find the Bandit Leader and his group. This will lead to a new project which you may want to put on the back burner for the time being. A short distance past this is another War Wisp encounter. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. What you are looking for is a Lizardfolk Village it is also highlighted by a unique marker (to the left of the lake). Take out anyone who might pose an actual threat - there are a few higher level Fighters, Archers and Rogues and Ruthgert himself is a 5th-level Cleric. In fact, you have 13 days and 8 hours left because when the timer reaches 14 days, stuff will start happening. Before entering, you may want to remove useful stuff from your companions - +2 light armour and what have you. You simply need to return to his house and offer him a place at your court after finishing the main quest. Bartholomew Delgado is a reclusive mage living at the Lone House. Quicksave so that you can try again if you don't see it within a reasonable time frame. However, Ekundayo is a stealthy sort. And a material reward if you asked for one. A male troll tends to live a solitary existence, partnering with a female for only a brief time to mate. Have Tristian or Harrim memorise Delay Poison (Communal) and Remove Paralysis. This leads to a number of other options. If you need to waste the last few hours before an Ancient Curse develops, just head out onto the world map near your capital to make time pass. Go southeast to find a locked chest (DC17) containing a Shard of Knight's Bracers (1/10), the first of another relic item set, and a Heavy Crossbow +1. Continue to the northeast of the room where there is a pair of Trolls and a group of kobolds, including an always-annoying Boomsayer. You have a number of options. Books. Since you need to wait for further developments, you can take time out to recruit Kalikke (and her sister). Head back down and return to the fork in the road. Agree to look for the boy to receive Loyalty +1. Nip back to Varrask and give him his tools to recruit him as an artisan. The quest is completed. You will find four Ferocious Wolves fighting a single Trollhound. At the same time, you will receive a visit from a potential artisan. Make your way to Thorn Ford. The round container neat the otther door contains a Taldan Stirrup (1/5) and a Ring of Luck. Cast Resist Lightning (Communal) before you go near it, however. The group nearest you comprises a Troll Rock Thrower and two Kobold Snipers. Assign an advisor to it right away and wait one day for it to complete. Hopefully, that way only the Alpha will make it to your party in the initial instance and you can concentrate your attacks on him without his lesser brethren tripping your melee guys. If you brought a rope, this should be an easy check. He will die if trolls brought him below 0 health . Go south to find 4 Ferocious Wolves. This is another dwarven relic that will have Harrim musing on the inevitability of death and decay. He's not really worth killing, however - he gives 0 XP and meagre loot. You will find another group of wolves in your way: an Alpha Wolf, a Worg and five Ferocious Wolves. Before leaving, help yourself to provisions and minor loot from the containers in the hut. Shimmerglow has 136HP and AC27 (after buffing with Shield). He should know how to end these scoundrels. There are several more Dizzyheads nearby and in the corner, a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC25) chest containing Gloves of Dueling. Return to where you found Nyta's body and put the Old Wedding Ring on her body for a small XP reward. He deserves to be hanged in chains! If you are able to, get Unbreakable Heart on Valerie, Amiri and / or Dog. When this is complete, click on "Settlements" and construct a a new village in the Outskirts. If you heal him, he will start to utter a curse. The Wererat Lair is in the woods to the east of the Abandoned Hut. Head to Narlkeep to speak Shaynih'a. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. This is manageable at 5th level, although not terribly rewarding. If not, cast Expeditious Retreat (if you can), drink a potion of Invisibility and head up the stairs by the Manticore. Your first task is to appoint advisors. There are is a trap across a doorway (DC27 to spot and remove). Defeat the leader and decide what do you want to do kill him or spare him. At the next junction, turn northwest and follow the trail to find a crossing point over the Murque River. Head south down the path until you come across a group of eight Tatzylwyrms. You will also want the Cold Iron Dagger. Act 2 - Troll Trouble An Ancient Curse You start off in your new capital, which occupies the former site of the Stag Lord's Fort. Return to the path and go north to where you were ambushed. A nervous Linzi suggests that she knows who the culprit might be. You will be reunited with your original party, so you don't have to make your way back to the capital alone. The main quest would bring you here shortly but since you have time to kill and you're already here From your starting point in the north of the area, head south a short distance and you will find a cache with a Torag's Pendant, something else that Storyteller will buy off you. The next room down is used as a larder. While exploring this area, you will have a fixed encounter at some point. He is speaking to someone named Amalia, who is an adherent of the cult. The two bodies in front of the tree only have minor loot. This basically tells you when you need to pay attention to the place. If you want some pointless combat, head east up the slope where you will face a pair of Hodag-like Treants. Examine the troll behind the bars, talk to the scientist and complete the quest. That would have come in useful just now! The one in the corner is trapped (DC22) and locked (DC23). Continue west and west again at the next junction and eventually you will arrive at the Dwarven Ruins. There is a Branded Troll accompanied by seven Trollhounds just below your current position. It seems that Ditael, another of Nazrielle's apprentices, has run off with the weapon that Nazrielle was crafting for you, initiating her artisan quest. This is worth a visit for a decent bow for Ekun and a new recipe. If you followed my Linzi build, she will have a Perception of 21 at this point. If you examine it, you will figure that it wasn't killed by the Tatzylwyrms. Failure just means you lose eight hours. Make your way back round to the schoolroom where you'll find that a chest has appeared in front of the sun and moon statues. It may take a couple of goes, depending on how the RNG gods arrange matters, but you should prevail. Gameplay [ edit] You are pretty much home and dry. He has some interesting stuff, but nothing that made me feel compelled to part with 1000s. At some point, you will see a notification pop up. Loot the nearby crates to find a Dwarven Helm Shard (5/10) amongst other things. Return to the place where you fought the trolls and kobolds and head west. Due to this need, most trolls stake out large territories as their own, and fights between rivals are quite common. The Cyclops drops a Greataxe +1 while the Zombie Lord drops a Masterwork scimitar. If you make a World (Knowledge) check (DC23), you'll gain a few XP. From the Lone House, head southwest. You will come across a group of peasants near a tree looking for treasure. There is a stash in the south of the encounter area with a Torag's Pendant. When you do, hostilities will ensue. This may be sufficient to reveal a trap (Perception DC36) across the passageway. The quest will begin after you meet Jenna in the throne room (you will have to receive some visitors). There is a crate filled with minor loot out front and if you go round to the side, you will find the Hunter's Letter which makes for very interesting reading. The next time you level up an advisor, make sure it's the Treasurer; otherwise you don't receive bonus BP for your ranks in other areas. However, having seen what became of his colleagues, you can reason with him anyway, making him realise that the voice in his head is not Nethys after all. This one, special fish will summon an Ancient Wyvern for you to fight. After some chit-chat, the battle against the Gargoyle-like Treant will start. Duke Dazzleflare isn't really any tougher than all the Ancient wisps you've been fighting up to this point. You won't be avoiding violence for much longer, however, so I suggest you cast some long-lasting buffs. A short distance to the west of the bandits is a well-hidden (DC22) container. If you succeed, you have a number of ways to deal with him. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is an isometric role-playing game developed by Cypriot [2] [3] studio Owlcat Games and published by Deep Silver, based on Paizo Publishing 's Pathfinder franchise. Around this time your emissary will hassle you about the trivial matter of Oleg's taxes - it seems that the rascal has neglected to pay them. When they're dead, you will find a Token of the Dryad on the ground nearby. At some point (and the fact that it's "at some point" and not "always" is annoying), you will have a scripted encounter. Jhod tells you that Remus (the mad guy who told you where Tartuccio was in the first act) has been spreading fear among the people. Kanerah and Kalikke will swap places a couple of times. Leave the town and enter kingdom management. When it's dead, you can loot the other chests for a Shock Light Crossbow +1 among other treasures. If Tartuk Hastes Hargulka, counter it with Slow (hit them with Slow regardless). If you retrieve the armour pieces through intimidation, you can throw Kergan in jail or let him go. Be careful at the top. Go across to a side cave on the left where you will find a couple of loot stashes containing a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among other things. The most useful consequence of this is that you get to have a merchant in your throne room, albeit a sadist and a degenerate. Haste your party and use effects like Archon's Aura and Prayer to reduce Hargulka's melee effectiveness further. What you find when you emerge depends on how you resolved matters with Tartuk and Hargulka. You will have a choice as to what to do with the press. Since he can't harm you (or frighten you), it's just a matter of time. Help them get the better of their attackers. Search the undergrowth nearby for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. You may want to quicksave if you let the dog go. You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. If you want to explore the final section of the upper level, unlock the door to the north and make your way around the school room and then back south to the other exits to the upper level. When they're dead, climb up and grab a suit of Leather Armor +2 and other stuff from a couple of loot caches. There are two Ancient Golems in the room beyond. Try visiting his house before he was in danger (Maybe that would solve it). In the Swamp Witchs Hut location, which we have already encountered in the Lost Child and Gnarled Branches quests, look for the village in the lower part of the map. You'll be attacked by another group of wolves: three Dire Wolves, an Alpha Wolf and a Ferocious Worg. Leave her alone for now and continue south.
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