Even if she said she was she would probably change her mind. They consider that he has destroyed the family and he has betrayed them because we are going to get married. Mom was the only parent to make me feel special and love me unconditionally. there is a minor child living with them, my grandchild. I understand him wanting to sell the house because mom died in itbut to move so far away! My moms remains were in a box we got from the furneral home and he wasnt even thing of buying her a proper urn. Your childrens pain and feelings of abandonment will probably always remain with them even if never alluded to. (My mother used to make jokes about her-that she was ugly, an old maid, etc). Its weird watching a 72 year old man act like a 14 year old. He tells me what a wonderful person she is, but I dont buy it, and neither do my sisters. Not saying its right, just my perspective. She is not my family. Her name is not on the account, but mine is! It. We hope is dying, and dating after my children that, child after all our posts. He may try to replace your mother in his life with anotherbut after that many years of marriage, he will never be able to. He is treated like a toy that gets discarded when the child is bored and he allows her to show no respect to his daughters. A big man he was 64 and he was like a big teddy bear. My dads brother and I moved in with him and for 2 years we took care of feeding, bathing, clothing him until he could slowly do these things for himself. It seems like people only understand this sort of thing if theyve experienced it themselves. You are not responsible for your extended family. ( I understand that there are some exceptions and some times this will impossible to accomplish) Well, I overextended myself. Subscribe to? I would love to find out how youre doing. The most of my dad mine lost for just died, really dependent. Hi Sonia, During this time, his GF proceeded to text and harass me non-stop about loving my dad, wanting to move in with him, and that I was a bitch who needed to get over my mom. I saw my sisters crying by the bed, and my brother inpanic mode,dialing 911. Not every person is going to be the right person to help you navigate your pain. Please someone tell me if Im wrong. KNOW HE HAS TAKEN DAD TO THE PHILIPINES ,THROUGH COMMETS MY DAD SAYS HES HAVING SEX WITH GOD KNOWS WHO,HE TELLS ME IT STILL WORKS.NOT WHAT A DAUGHTER WONTS TO HERE? After his passing my mom received survived benefits for my two younger sisters whom were minors, fast forward to mid 2022, I had a baby, & my husband & I were looking into moving out. Worse still, he is in ICU with a poor prognosis and I am expected to defer to her. I have tried to explain to him how I feel and I think he just gets upset and really doesnt understand. I feel she doesnt want us to grieve for him, but rather for her. I never thought Id ever find someone who would make me happy again in terms of a relationship. She is a horrible stupid butt who my dad even called psycho the other day yet continues to torment me with putting her shit all around my mothers moms house who of course both are dead. WHAT?? He cant do anything right in her eyes. Which he did, but he seemed very needy and insecure. There are people in the U.K who have never worked and who live in what is called council housingwhich would be social housing in the U.S Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I strongly feel that like a teenager who gets his heart broken for the first time, he is clinging to someone TOO QUICKLY. We all need the support of the family, during the process of grieving and for the rest of our lives. He hopefully loves his parents awful fights and don't become too quickly changed. I feel so sorry for you. My sister and I took my father to hospital yesterday for eye check ups and tests and we were there about 7 hours not including travelling. It is more about the widower than it is about whatever woman they happen to be dating. If you pretend to accept you will be able to maintain the relationship for longer but is it really a relationship when there is no honesty? I opened my huge mouth too quickly. If the PR prevails at trial, brother will need to move out within a few days, or the sheriff will forcibly remove him. Its like its no longer convient for him to do that. I, as a father of young children FOR WHOM I AM RESPONSIBLE, have to be sensitive to the fact that it may be longer for them than for me. In fall of 2015 my stepfather announced he would be taking the friend on a trip out of the country. I lost my mother to illness a year ago and my father started dating just 3 months after she passed. Also if his new girlfriend is a true freind she would understand also. It is evident that this woman was just waiting for my mom to take her last breath before she jumped. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. The getting into my dads house and rearranging personal stuff that is the thing that was worse than the fact that she existed. I don't mean any offence by this, but try to keep a watch on how much alcohol she is drinking. When Dad first died, I told everyone that I didn't want to talk about it. My mom is very smart and resourceful, and she went from that to hopelessness almost overnight. They brightened her day. I dont think that he was very tactful when he delivered the news of our engagement to them and I dont think they expected that he was going to propose after 2 1/2 years, but why not? She was only 59 years old. Which I am sure hurts him but I am hurting too. From her arrival on the scene we were told like you were, that no issues we had counted at all and it was non-negotiable. No doubt this will bring people to say I cant see things from the other side. Even my 18 year old daughter says about her granddad, Hea acting like a teenage who just broke up with his girlfriend and is in a rebound relationship. Only, his girlfriend was his wife for 54+ years. You may also want to suggest group therapy for her, if she is open to it. They were married for 20 years. I dont think that is asking for much, but I am in a place now, where I think I am going to have to cut him out of my life. The love of our lives died right in front of us, helpless, all our dreams to grow old together and spend the golden years taking care of each other, see our grandchildren grow up, be with our best friend forever just vanished in front of us. I dont want to have to cut him out of my life, but I am very angry with him for choosing his own happiness right now over his adult children, who are aching for his support. One was Next time do a proper job and Whatever you do never ever tell her what happened. It occured before they were fully living together.He knew she would humiliate him over having a weakling daughter. I dont see anyone on here disagreeing with that or disliking their parents happiness and desire for companionship. Remind her she's still got family, that she's not alone. Oh and because when i came to visit them on their vacation i was really there to cheat on my husband she claimes. He read to her every night until she fell asleep. Margaret "Maggie" Murdaugh and her 22-year-old son Paul were both killed in June 2021. Some of you expressed concern about the relationships being too soon, and I agree with some of you, but especially men that depended completely n their wives, have been married for a long time dont want to be alone. Funny I said to my husband recently that if someone had said to me that for the amount of money I may inherit I could have not gone through 35 years of trauma I would gladly have given up the cash. Every mans dream, right? That is the way my dad is acting and I hate it! Its really a nightmare. WebIn 2010 my aunt needed someone to stay in the house with her or eventually go into a nursing facility. I completely was disgusted , It was too soon! Please Open the Door and the path to a renew relationship, to a new future together as a family. Every time he has mentioned these other women he is talking to, I just feel like dying inside. What will I do? she said. It would have been nice to have really gotten closer to Dad but that is simply not to be, It takes two people to want a relationship to work. Then I remember my mom saying the second wife always gets treated better after several of her friends husbands remarried after losing their spouse. He bullied me into selling them, yet I never even talked with anyone to sell them. My mom is extremely independent and self-sufficient (she is a program manager at her job), and it's a big shock to hear her talk the way she does, like she can't do anything without my dad. That seems ridiculously expensive. My mum passed away in 2011 after battling cancer for 6 years. She doesnt like to be taken care of, but loves to take care of her family. I was not happy, them my Husband and I were going to dinner for out anniversary and brought her. It's clear that your heart aches as well as your mother's. So 10 months we met her and now he wants this woman in our lives. 1) mom was gone 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. But if you don't have advance notice (or that type of relationship), be gentle with yourself. Dear Susan Musselwhite, I hear you and I get it. From summer to fall 2015 he would call different relatives to tell them he would be making big changes soon and moving on with his life. How to get a good woman. Plus, I feel like she is somehow trying to get in good with us by buying gifts and donating money to the charity walks that we do in my Moms memory, and it makes me mad that she is pretending to be a family friend or something. Then in July, he went camping with her and her family. By letting go, you are taking control of your life rather than letting your emotions control you. Not like my dad would have wanted it, but thats how it will have to be. He just wasnt the kind of person who could sit around moping and be sad. Of course, now he says the cruise has absolutely nothing to do with my mom and doesnt know why I think it does. They were married 6 years when Dad died. I have tried to explain to Dad that I am not comfortable with this but he seems to not care. My uncle laughed and said Ellen had my dad whipped. My aunt and uncle dont like Ellen either and I have sometimes talked to them about how I feel about her. I think he had the new woman on the side waiting in the wings so to speak. I constantly encourage him to keep a relationship with them, I dont want him to separate from them. I know in my heart of hearts, that he was thinking about my Mom and maybe might have even had second thoughts. After After chiding myself for all the things I could have done with my dad, and replaying every negative remark I ever said, I realized guilt is an emotion that is draining and is not conducive to feeling better. Scott suggested giving your stepson concrete check-ins about his move-out status, and boundaries for the time being as you continue to cohabitate. . Best of luck. One way to help yourself adjust to this situation is to spend some one-on-one time with your fathers new girlfriend to get to know her better for who she is. But if you dont, youre taking the risk that in 35 years youll end up where I am with a family destroyed by his selfishness and sham relationship. It doesn't matter who your people are, just make sure you have them and you let them in. It's not on you or your siblings to support her. For So Long, I Had Larry in My Ear In an exclusive clip from Hulus Stolen Youth docuseries, Larry Ray survivor Felicia Rosario opens up about the impact of his gaslighting. Dont ask me why as I could not tell you! But she already did that with her parents, and HE was what she decided she wanted to be with in the long term, day to day, for as long as she could. 2. I wouldnt want my husband to be alone the rest of his life, but I would want for him to have the time it takes to grieve properly and to give our kids the time they need. My mom just passed away 1 month ago this Aprilat the age of 50. Millions of my name to deal with her, my step father. I sat there stunned. It appears that you have done all you can and the only selfish person in the equation is your father. After my father passed away, I promised myself I wouldn't continue to live my life in the background; I would do substantial things with my life and make every moment count. My dad told me after that he didnt want to hurt her feelings or for me to seem so mean and selfish so he told her to do it, not caring or considering how it would upset me as Im about to walk down the aisle on my wedding day. People spend more time debating which car they will buy than Is this person suitable or are they just making themselves available?. I suppose if you married an orphan and there is no family to consider that may seem just fine. I feel I did everything I could to salvage our relationship but he did not care and was not interested in having me or my family, his granddaughters in his life anymore. oh and forgot to mention when I first met her I googled her and found she had 3 DUIs already. e treats us is certainly not making me happy. My brother was only 13, but my Dad spent most weekends at his girlfriends house. I am now caught up on all the soap operas I have not watched since I left home and am familiar with all the talk show host and their guests. At times, my Dad will bring up being buried next to my Mom. It will do no good. I think that he is more worried about himself than us kids.Which I know that we are old enough to take care of ourselves but I feel that we need to be together right now. Its driving me crazy. Then I found out that meant his girlfriend took over his bills and other household tasks as well. Consider whether this is a kind and good person or whether you are grabbing a passing life raft. I am sorry that you are going through this. I was sitting with her overnight when she passed away, and cannot get the events out of my head from what happened (no matter that the grief counselor I have seen says I should be happy because from what Ive told her, she didnt suffer like others I have heard of). We offered to meet as a family. I know way back in my high-school days my mom who acted as the girl in their relationship had an affair I was devastated but to cut the story short when my mom died may 2018 months after around Dec this woman named Cecil started showing up at first I was angry memories and anger that I felt way back came rushing back it was Christmas I didnt want to ruin my moms night I stayed quiet and understood she needed companion. Not only did he lose his mother but his stepdad was living it up laughing and smiling as if hed won the lottery. The Day My Father Died We can plan and think well know how well react, but life just happens to all of us. Me & my sister who actually own the house these deadbeats are living in. 6 months after her death, my father announced that he had been dating a new woman and asked if my wife and I wanted to meet her. I was very honest with him about my feelings as well, talking about how upset it makes me that neither of my parents will be around to see me get married, or have children, things like that. My fathers house is about 5 minutes drive away and even less from my sisters home. He will now have to go through it. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tips-for-when-your-widowe_b_5942444 Instead, he quickly filled that void, and doesnt understand why our family relationship/dynamic cant be exactly the same as it was before my mom died. You also say that there is no definitive objective timescale for someone moving on with someone new. I want to meet his daughters, I dont want to replace his late wife. Your mother will always be your mother no matter what, and no matter who else comes into your life or your fathers life. He insists these are mutual decisions but aquiescence is not the same as agreement. We're looking forward to. I think part of it, for me, is that I feel like if I accept my dad having a new woman in his life, I am being disloyal to my mom. My momma lost a long battle with lung cancer, and her death hit me the hardest in the family. I am now very upset and can see the future ramifications if he continues on this break neck speed. Well he & Stepmother # 1 were married for 20 years when she passed away. I finally told him after going thru everything with him, that I need time and could not go thru her stuff anymore for awhile, until my sister got here. He has made it perfectly clear (he has has actually told us) that if he has to choose between her and us, he will choose her every time and if we cannot include her in everything that we do, then he will not be in our lives. I felt silly for assuming that I would upset her if I reminded her of her dada person who, of course, was never far from her mind. documentaries Jan. 30, 2023. When my father finally broke up with this woman, we begun to work on talking again slowly.He then began dating another woman, who I am not completely comfortable with but have learned after experiencing the loss of my spouse in 2008, that what my father said about loving my mother no matter what and that even though he choose to date again he would love my mother no matter what and would do anything to be with her again.
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