There are a number of these cluster spots across the globe, however, one of the most prevalent and recurring seems to be the Yosemite National Park in California. As the hunter looked out on White Bear Lake he could see the unmistakable sight of a small body floating on the water. While it is pure speculation, might some of those vanishings of entire groups of people, sometimes entire settlements, have a connection to the equally perplexing disappearances that have permeated the history of the United States since the records of the settlers began and most likely for many years before. Or any or all of that. The reason why Im mentioning it is that he had his shirt missing and various articles of his clothing were improperly fastened, almost as if he was undressed and then dressed back in a hurry. The Missing 411: Some Strange Cases of People Spontaneously Vanishing Not sure how long I was awake after puking. However, the understanding that there is such a connection between naming conventions and occurrence of a particular type of disappearance could be used as a lead to determine which places to investigate, either with priority, more thoroughly, or further back into the past. Mental illness or voluntary disappearance does not appear to be the cause. And dont even get me started on synchronicity and how you absolutely would want to use systemic coincidences in order to manage a simulated (or similarly controlled) world. Many victims of the Bennington Triangle were also known to have been wearing red clothing at the time they disappeared. Also, the geography of these areas is mountainous or just difficult terrain. Although he didnt realize it, it is likely that young Charles followed him. The reason why foul play was suspected in this case was that there were burn marks found on the body, which has happened in at least one Missing 411 urban case that Im aware of. In other words, youd expect these two things to correlate. It is unaffiliated with Paulides in any other way and he is not present in this sub. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. The Oscars will air on ABC and can be streamed on and the ABC app as well as Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV or FuboTV. However, after they get lost, I would expect more people with colorful clothing to be found, as it cuts both ways. This can be a standalone subset of cases. You May Also Like: Mysterious Disappearances in the Bennington Triangle, Vermont. Dave assembled the profile by reviewing details of all unexplained disappearances he could find that took place in the U.S. national parks and by noting what they had in common. And the circumstances surrounding her sudden discovery were almost stranger than those around which she vanished. Difference Between Subject Complement And Direct Object, Richmond Lock Draw-off 2021, The longer this series of deaths goes on globally, the less likely it is that its all just a result of someones bad or good luck. Dametz was 84 years old at the time, with a range of health problems that caused him to rely on McSherry to get him around, his bad knees making him unable to get very far on his own. What was likely a picturesque and enjoyable ride over the stunning wilderness of Yosemite became a nightmare for the Arras family. Naturally, without any explanation as to how he got there. Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. Missing 411: Disappearances in the Wilderness - Historic Mysteries At this point, I believe it is more about what direction I think should be taken in further analyzing the data. NEW! What I can speculate on is why any type of perpetrator would have an operational range centered around large bodies of water or rock formations, or national forests and parks for that matter. You may have noticed that in all that speculation, I may have cracked the case at most in the sense of creating some structural microtears in it. On the other hand, there are some data points that indicate that theres something unusual going on during the disappearances with the dogs. It would be an annoyingly good crime, however, as it is very difficult to prove such crime for the above-mentioned reasons. The reason why amnesia always seems contrived in TV shows and movies when used more than minimally is that it is rare in real life. Conventionally speaking, this should be a waste of time, since it basically amounts to following coin tosses. The evidence for Dave not cherry-picking is that he himself has no idea why most of the profile points are what they are, what they mean. If an area has been searched dozens of times, chances are the search was sufficient. These are all angles that can and should be investigated, since precise targeting, luring, and covert disappearing of people arent trivial tasks. $64.77 + $6.47 shipping. I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. Esse o seu primeiro post. How can we prove otherwise? Dec 1, 2018 - North America Bigfoot Search is the only organization in the world with full time professional researchers that respond and investigate Bigfoot sightings and incidents. Similarly, as I have heard someone theorize, you may want to remove their shoes first so that they cant run away from you very easily, or maybe youd steal their clothing so that they more quickly succumb to the elements if they somehow ran away from wherever youre holding them thats presumably some kind of shelter, base, or vehicle. What makes this recent case especially strange is the way searchers covered the area multiple times before they found the body. In the Missing 411 cases, I believe that the percentage of how many causes of death are reported as unknown is far higher than 5%, while even many of the deaths that were reported as death by exposure or drowning seem to be questionable. In the summer of 1958, a 10-year old Bobby Bizup was attending a Catholic camping retreat called Camp Saint Malo, at the Rocky Mountain National Park along with a group of other youths. Nearly a week later, Dannys wife claimed that she had gotten a call from him, but that his voice had seemed faint and incoherent before he hung up. More recently is the 2015 vanishing of 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr., who in July of that year was on a camping trip with his father DeOrr Sr., his fathers girlfriend, her grandfather, and their friend Isaac Reinwand, in the same region as where Bizup had vanished, out on the edge of the Rocky Mountain National Park. Since the beginning of humankind, we have endeavored to explore the realms of our wilderness, but in the process, many have failed to return. On the other hand, cities dont appear to be safe either, so Look, squirrel! When the group discovered the sheepherders flashlight around 250 yards from the campsite, it sent a dark tone around their collective outlook. Interestingly, UFO sightings often correlate with these hotspots, sometimes even around the same time that someone has gone missing. 2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. Strange Cases On Eastern Farms In The Early Thirties. Where Are These People Going? If theres an intelligent perpetrator behind any Missing 411 disappearances, they are likely to know when to lie in wait for people at the times and dates when theres the most opportunity. If they differ, now, that would be interesting, especially if the difference is major. The main two cases involving multiple odd coincidences are the disappearance of Dennis Martin and the death of Elisa Lam. If a criminal group with the same unusual means and methods of abducting people in a forest setting is taking advantage of bad weather to kidnap and do god knows what with people in the same unusual ways, then the bad weather compromising searches should correlate more often with cases that contain other unusual elements to them than with normal cases of people going missing in a forest. Thus, when he let friends know where he was going, no one was concerned. Adan Medrano read more Missing 411. Without that, we simply dont know if any of it is significant. Dave also mentions legends from Hawaii and Indonesia which explain that you should not wear bright clothing if you dont want to offend some kind of spirits, or that some spirits demand that you lie naked face down in their presence, which is how Missing 411 people often are found. In the Dennis Martin case, the Martin family went on a hike into a forest, and in the forest, they met another Martin family. No one anywhere has ever seen these people enter water. There is a chance that at least some perpetrators would slip up and instead of the most opportune times and dates go for a compromise between opportune times and times convenient for them. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. A Net Inceptions project. Maybe there are more younger and older people visiting the parks in general, maybe its more of a white or specifically German cultural thing in general, maybe people with disabilities, geniuses, or athletes should be over-represented. And certainly didnt appear to have been living in the wild for several weeks. If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. Yes, under these specific circumstances, things like temporal displacement start sounding more likely than dozens of searchers missing an obvious corpse dozens of times. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. Finally, the seemingly most ridiculous element of all of these stories, the stool sample, is a clear sign of organization. This is a fairly strong profile point, given that there is no good explanation, conventional or otherwise, for why or how any of this should happen at all. Kimberly Arrington, 16, of Montgomery vanished on the afternoon of Oct. 30, 1998. Even when his daughter tragically died in an auto accident his failure to appear at her funeral convinced all that knew him that he was either dead or somewhere where he was simply not aware of her death. The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. Which brings me to some espionage-related implications. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Construction Workers Find Incredibly Rare Remains of 8,000-Year-Old Village in Massachusetts. };
Here are the most significant repeating profile points with my critical commentary as to their potential strengths and shortcomings: According to Paulides, every person should be found, especially if they are a small child or if theyre mentally or physically disabled and therefore presumably unable to travel long distances. Apart from this (the fact that a personal attack is a logical fallacy, not a counterargument), if Dave incorrectly interprets some data point or a causal relation, its an error, not a crime. ALABAMA (3) - 06-29-2007 - David Michael Burney - Bankhead Forest The area was surrounded by forest, but Keith was allowed to play out in the yard, and on this day that is where he was, his grandfather constantly checking up on him. The young girl asked both her father and another member of the party to join her but was denied their company. should be considered irrelevant in the absence of additional inexplicable positive evidence. Robert G. Weems read more Was he abducted, and if so why? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Think of it as a cosmic-level tool to bring attention of specific types of people or individuals to specific things, while hiding the act itself. They even mentioned a hunter explaining that some hunters follow bad weather intentionally to catch more prey. In the Daves profile, whoever the perpetrators are seem to be perfect, but no one is 100% effective. Incredibly, obvious signs such as blunt force trauma or multiple broken bones that might evidence a fall to his death in the gorge were not present. Ultimately, only an answer could quell the publics curiosity and give the relatives and friends of the victims the closure they so surely deserve. On August 15, the introverted and partially deaf Bizup went down to a place called Cabin Creek in order to do some fishing, and at the time there would have been nothing unusual about it, as there were camp counselors nearby and the creek was a popular place for the boys to fish. I especially recommend the most recent documentary, Missing 411: The Hunted, as I have never seen such great visualization of movement through an area, plus the cases selected for this documentary are some of the most bizarre and inexplicable there are. Gone in a swinging door, a morning away, the blink of an eye. But back to how the specific Missing 411 accounts of the people who were found indicate organized predation. Two years ago, I was camping with my dad at a super remote spot at Allegheny Reservoir (could only get there by boat or hiking several miles), and I think I experienced infrasound in the middle of the night. The latter possibility would imply that even if there werent significantly many of them within the sample in comparison to all people or all park visitors, there may be a specific, several centuries-old genetic reason or personal grudge involved. David Paulides himself has always been notoriously skittish about providing any solid theories of his own, and this has only served to stoke the fires of speculation and wild theorizing. These four instances exemplify the strange anomaly within Missing 411 cases of particular hotspots. In case you were wondering what Ive been doing for the last couple of months instead of writing articles here, I guess you could call it research. Coincidence is how gods can circumvent rules. [1] [2] Early life and career Though there are Missing 411 cases where that didnt help, like when a person was seen chasing a dog into the forest, which only helps explain how people can get lost more often while walking a dog. Charles T. Carroll read more We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Missing 411 is a series of books and films, which document cases of people who have gone missing in national parks and elsewhere, and assert that these cases are unusual and mysterious, contrary to data analysis which suggests that they are not actually statistically mysterious or even unexpected. You could be on to something! Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. This invokes a motivation or mentality that either has something to do with genetics or culture, or a specific grudge. Missing 411 is a contentious subject with a very human face. The question is why would there be high-tech kidnappers, possibly using also advanced camouflage or noise cancellation technology, snatching random people sneakily in the forests. In mid-July, slightly northeast from the site of where the Mystery Mans body was discovered twenty years earlier, Timothy Barnes vanished. This type of account would go some way toward explaining the seemingly missing failure rate of the perpetrators, as these would be the cases where the predators let the captured prey go, or when their traps, even though advanced, failed. This means that this profile point is only interesting in combination with other data points that involve positive evidence. It is in full color and is 24 inches tall x 38 inches wide. This would require for the dumping of the body to be virtually instantaneous (think teleportation), perfect optical stealth, Men in Black-like memory or perception control, etc. Besides chemicals, one could make an argument for an uncommon EM, other type of radiation, or infrasound-based technologies, but nothing should be 100% reliable. This is a site not far from Sunrise High Sierra Camp and the lake where Stacey Arras disappeared. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. Put simply, this profile point is something that makes it harder to find a missing person and easier for people to get more lost. Are these missing people part of the seemingly outlandish but sickly conspiracy revolved around breeding programs of the elite to maintain their own youth, and just for general slavery purposes? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. Dewey Cooks Body Discovered Where Searchers Had Already Looked, 1942, The Disappearance And Strange Discovery Of John Davis. Like mentions of reports of bigfoot on one of the U.S. coasts attacking dogs (in one episode of the On the Trail of Bigfoot series), or a description of an area where there were almost exclusively bigfoot reports on one side of a road going through a forest, and almost exclusively dogman reports on the other (on The Venomous Fringe podcast). A quick google search wasnt helpful. This implies that the way in which these people disappear involves their rapid incapacitation, or at least severe confusion. It is suspected that he had perhaps fallen down while skiing and suffered head trauma, putting him in a daze and giving him amnesia, but as to how he got to California and where he got that phone and haircut no one knows. Missing 411 is the first comprehensive research about people who have disappeared in the wilds of north america. On the 3rd of August 1973, Greg Lewellen was watching his flock in Bench Creek near Heber City in Utah. Our Take on the 'Missing 411' Cases | Winter Watch These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Haven't heard that silence since. That obviously points to a kidnapping or assault attempt, though it doesnt clarify anything else. The sad reality is that there is a growing number of mysterious disappearances in natural settings. Ricky Lynn Nelms read more, Madison County Given that some cases indicate third-party involvement (like the inside-out clothing, children unable to undress themselves, or clean socks while traveling miles), the latter option, however unlikely and disconcerting, must be considered. It does not store any personal data. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. While phenomena of this type are not strictly speaking ruled out by theoretical physicists, they would at the very least expect them to be substantially more rare, if they were to occur strictly naturally. Especially considering that feeding grounds are a great place where to lie in wait for prey, and perhaps the best way to narrow down where people will be found in a big forest, and roughly when. A high-level analysis of patterns behind these strange disappearances. Sunerah Binte Kamal Education, Boas-vindas ao . Which is scientifically speaking the most basic method through which to do stasis, especially if you dont care about the subject dying. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I live INSIDE the north-western PA cluster, and I've experienced that sudden, eerie silence with the weird buzzing in my ears on a trail that goes off from a logging road that leads to Gilbert Reservoir. A search was mounted, but it seemed as if hed dropped off the face of the earth. The mysterious part is how the bodies got to where they were found. This would also explain why it happens in only some cities you cant simply improvise it anywhere without having the infrastructure. What an apt name, by the way, SADS. Conversely, a person out to dispose of a corpse in water clearly would take that care. This had been the first tip to come in, and police acted on it, finally managing to track him down. Like the Missing 411 cases. If the point was that you need to work with or study specific genetic markers, given that Germans are, ironically, one of the least genetically pure groups in the world. Sometimes to children too young to be able to dress or undress themselves. Research is how we get to know things. Or that there was stasis involved. They would ultimately discover the missing 3-year-old on the opposite side of Spears Mountain from where he disappeared. Even if the name was selected purely on the basis of bad feelings, it may indicate that dangerous terrain, gases, radiation, or infrasound can be found in the area. Whether its the nature of the terrain or something else, there seem to be concentrations of disappearances in certain areas. Lana Faulk Quesenberry read more, Marshall County Which are great, so please, Dave, do more of that. Whether there is a reason for this and if it is of any importance is open to debate. Every time I pass that trailhead now, I stop, roll down my windows, and just listen for a few minutes before continuing on to the reservoir. Sometimes, high amounts of alcohol or GHB were found in the blood of the deceased, but without any clear idea how they were ingested. You can keep it in a pair of snow pants, just sew the foot and waist holes up. Little more than a mile away from the gorge where the body of the Mystery Man (above) turned up, twenty-five-year-old Jeff Estes disappeared. What should be done first is a comparison with the distribution of times at which people from a random non-Missing 411 sample disappear in the same areas. Some of these factors are inherently unusual, requiring at the very least a sudden psychotic break or a chain of bad decisions, while others are unusual through the rate at which they correlate with these cases, and yet others seem utterly impossible all by themselves. The only thing you need to make sure of is that the sample of your observations is representative. Ideally the kind of evidence that proves that the dogs should have been able to pick up the scent, but didnt, like in the cases when a dead body was later found in an area after it was combed through with standard search dogs or cadaver dogs. Maybe names are not random, but to an extent generated with an audience to appreciate them in mind. I would just say that if the two samples have very similar distributions of the times at which people disappear, its likely that theres nothing to it other than people get lost at the times at which they tend to be on a hike. Although many of these Missing 411 cases demonstrate strange instances, the link to any mountain monsters is mere folk devil hearsay. Ohio Pipefitters Union Wages, It also makes sense that in such a scenario, the dog should be more able to find a way back eventually, as opposed to its owner. This leaves a sudden medical emergency, or an animal or human attack, that either quickly render you unconscious, or force you to be quiet. You have no reason to want their poop, specifically. At least not in any of the cases where the person was found. I await suggestions. Authorities justified the delay in the discovery of his remains as an optical anomaly. THE MISSING MAP . With all the insults out of the way, lets look at the profile points. Disappearing while forgetting your phone behind is definitely much less bizarre than disappearing while having your phone with you, and especially while using it to call for help, or while something is happening to you as you are on the phone. What happened to Bobby Bizup? Bizarrely, he had taken his jacket off despite the intense cold, and his clothes were ripped, although there was no sign of physical injury. If the person was targeted outside, other options open up. There are many similarities.
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