as Secret. We have to speculate about what changes in July. Its private. Do you have any thoughts on that Jessica? It took a DNA test to reveal it, too. And, hey presto, the peculiar little ceremony held behind the publics back (never mind the Church of England) is rolled out. I was thinking about couples who exchange vows privately. I forgot to say that Claire Thomas also mentioned that Harry wasnt Charless son. Ive said this before, but every time I look at the transits to Harrys chart, I sense a show bible and pin board of looks, images, memes, influences. Your email address will not be published. I think I have been living under a rock for the past few years. I had a very strong sense, not a feeling, but a sense of connectedness with her, but it was dark, and I knew she was angry. (who has connections to Russia) Meghan is an actress and playing the role of narcissist very well. The astonishing boast of how many people he killed in combat. So, its almost a bingo card I guess. His astrological chart suggests the thrill of Russian America, and American Russia, disappears in 2026. I stroked my chin thoughtfully again, when during the World Cup, Stormzy was allegedly denied his flight because of passport issues at the airport. Journalists interviewing Harry to promote Spare are culpable. Russia building there. Uranus in Taurus is the storm that nobody really expected to see. Harry published Spare five years later, having quit his role. Having read Spare and seen the interviews, I believe we are seeing Zersetzung (German for disruption) a Stasi psychological warfare technique. No. The astrology predicted this too. Strange (or co-incidence) that re-conciliation is being discussed very soon after Harry threatened to reveal more (appears he left out the more damaging information from the book which was originally 800 pages). I looked at the Wikipedia entry you have mentioned and its intriguing. The way you write Jessica, weaving all the thematic connections astrologically, its incredible. The half in/ half out that the Queen refused. We have no evidence at all for that. The astrology of Prince Harry shows someone who would be a philanthropist and businessman, were he not born into royalty. For Meghan they begin earlier, in March 2023, which is why it was possible to file that prediction with The Express in December last year. Uranus is about shock. Harry is setting up a constitutional crisis and he knows it. Four Weddings and a Funeral, good grief! Why do you suppose that Meghan Markle risked the legality of not one but two marriages? This is classic medieval witch hunting. Over the years I have spoken to both Dianas mediums, on the phone, and I am friends with two of her astrologers. As you say, when Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon married, the look on her face said it all. Perhaps it was the other emerald tiara which Eugenie later borrowed. The best book ever written on the meaning of the signs is The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills (American Federation of Astrologers, Arizona, 1971). Emma. From their comments, it seemed that they were helped to understand (although not necessarily to heal from) their own narcissistic abuse, particularly as children, as was experienced by Johnny Depp from his mother. Thank you Jessica. So on to the present-day, and staying aware of the coming cycle you mention in your answer to me. Which in my mind doesnt bode at all well for Harry, as being left alone is a calculated move. Harry makes no mention of this series of photographs in Spare. I have no intention of buying Harrys Spare but wonder if he may have had his therapy sessions recorded to write the book as Diana recorded secret tapes for Andrew Mortons book. Not great for a royal. Similarities have been pointed out in photos of Simons daughter and Princess Charlotte and also Simons son and Queen Elizabeth. It feels like a book written by many hands. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. Its rather like that old song about Ive danced with a man, who danced with a girl, who danced with the Prince of Wales. Prince Harry has given obvious product placement and brand endorsement to Soho House, over several pages of Spare. Ill be giving it away, though. Harry had no way of knowing that the Queen would pass when she did, and I think he would have released the documentary and the book regardless. What was also being hidden from us was the delivery of a Givenchy bridesmaids dress for Princess Charlotte which did not fit. We all have choices. He has Saturn moving into a conjunction with his Sun. Lots of secrets revealed, like court papers of secret marriages and much more. There will be a change in the balance of power as Pluto goes into Aquarius from March 2023, until the year 2044, but it will not be as various plutocrats wish. The South Node in Libra is about closure and it goes back into the mists of time. The Royal Marriages Act of 1772 took place on the same cycle we are about to see, starting in July 2023. That seems likely to be March. Cecelia. Julie. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and your past predictions regarding her investment. I only came across your wisdom recently and am so glad! CBC April 14th 2022. . This is in keeping with the problems with the dresses, her father and Prince Charles stepping in to give her away, the press coverage issues etc. Pluto in Capricorn (and entering Aquarius) in the final week of March 2023 will end the system as we knew it. And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: His job, if he is ever on the throne, is to defend the Anglican faith and be head of the Church of England. Change the way planetary positions are calculated. It is the same astrological cycle. Thanks for reminding me about Mother Natures actions in America this week! black and white wedding photos etc., what was their purpose. Thank you so much for pointing out that the secret vow exchange with the Archbishop of Canterbury took place with Uranus entering 0 Taurus, of course triggering the natal chart of the late Queen. Your email address will not be published. Yes, The Guardian were given Spare. He sees them almost as a danger to his relationship with Meghan. Magnificent, Jessica. Happy New Year! Was this a Moonbump? Jessica, I noticed that you have mentioned more money coming to him in 2024, which hopefully is a positive sign. The Astrology of Harry Styles. Hi Jessica Enemies come to light and many work against her. Initially they apparently sourced ingredients from a company based in a province in China where serious human rights abuses were taking place and just 4 miles from a re- education centre. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. Reading about Prince Harry Ive just realised very belatedly that we share a birthday (Im 15.9.56 at 11.35pm in Cardiff, UK). You also feel the pair will lose their titles. For Harry this cycle, which began in 2018, is about racism and mixed races, as well as different races. I too think it is plausible that other countries have used this tactic to discredit powerful individuals and destabilise the UK. Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde's Relationship Timeline In his natal chart, that same cycle fell in his Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. Or at least to such a manufactured and rigid stereotype of femininity. Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. Asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to invite (at least) Prince Harry to the planned coronation, is very wise. Ive just commented to another reader that it is quite possibly Meghan who was fooled by a photographer shooting from the wrong angle. For the record I never predicted their marriage would end. The terms of the late Queens will may include specific mention of caveats or conditions which relate to news coming in March. Pluto leaves the sign of the elite ruling the masses, and enters the sign of equality, diversity and community. We have been paying attention, unlike much of the mainstream media, not all. I tried pulling a tarot card for both Prince William and Prince Harry and I got the Knight of Cups, so Im hoping that means that perhaps one of them will make the journey to rescue the other? There is a great possibility that after the demise of Queen Elizabeth II or her retirement Prince Harry's father Prince Charles will become the King of this monarchy and he will then pursue his son Harry to come back to the royal family. Perhaps she secretly did, maybe under another name. I love this blog about Spare because, as youve said, its a piece of history in itself. Someone on twitter also wrote that M has been noticeably absent recently! Also emerald and diamond but a totally different tiara. So, looking at blindspots I cant help noting Harry forces the world to see his pain yet is blind to his familys pain and feels justified inflicting more. Hi Jessica. What H&M are doing for money is disgusting & dangerous. One way to see through this (and astrology is very good at that) is to treat the whole Harry and Andrew saga like a mystery. Something has gone wrong, hasnt it. The H M situation with TRF feels like a confession of an economic hitman by John Perkins. Its on Monday night apparently 7pm Uk time on Murdochs Talk TV. Interesting question: what if William is succeeded by George, who is then gay, and has a boyfriend? After William left Harry immediately rang his therapist. Welby told Italian paper La Repubblica (re-printed in The Guardian) that H&M were ONLY legally married at the official wedding, stating certificate is a legal doc and so would have been illegal for him to sign it if theyd previously secretly wed. Also you need 5 people present in England for legal marriage not 3. My line was crossed when this pair told Oprah Winfrey a member of the family had made a racist remark about their child. If hed succeeded he would have made 3 kings by flipping sides & treason. Why didnt Harry ring his therapist. He was also in sympathy to Anne Boleyn. Thank you. The law entailed creating a new governing council that rivaled the one headed up by Cromwell. many thanks for your blogs and especially this one, really interesting perspectives and considerations. Most of all, Russia gains because Vladimir Putin is so threatened by NATO and the unity of the allies. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? I agree that the 2008 verdict on Diana was never final and will be re-opened as Pluto leaves Capricorn, from the final week of March, but returning later in 2023, and for a few more months in 2024. Thank you. So many threads to Hs story. Something Ive found really odd is the pictures of the late Queen and Prince Philip as a young couple participating in a druid-style ceremony in a wood somewhere. Quickly followed by a speed dial call to his therapist (around the same time his wife claimed she was dissuaded from reaching out for mental help). I have a couple of questions, weve talked about information wars using AI & bots, can you see an end to this kind of meddling and manipulation? Just thought I would let you know that the king and Queen will be leaving France on the 30th March to go first to Hamburg and then on to Berlin. Harry's ascendant is in the opposite sign of Capricorn, which makes him more stoic and heroic. It even appeared that a black wire stuck out from her hair. Or is Prince Edward going to step up, as per requested from William. Camilla, the same. I am really grateful for Harrys astrology chart which tells us, partly, what is going on. I have always been curious about Meghan telling Oprah Winfrey she and Harry had a secret marriage, three days before the rest of us saw the pair in church. When she told us that our late Queen had bone cancer, she was echoing Gyles Brandreth, who Ive met and who follows me on Twitter, as I do him. As you have said, there is much that is hidden and no one knows what has really happened. Oh dearthis is turning into the perfect storm, not exactly a storm in a teacup! In any case, no one wanted to speak to her at any of these events. Thank you Jessica and have a great start to the week! March 2023 will resolve a great deal for this family and for those of us who are in the Commonwealth, as their subjects. I worry that when everything falls apart around him and he realises he has been exploited massively, that he will harm himself. has arrived for a tour of Africa again. ) Russia has the Sun at 16 Sagittarius in her independence chart. Its like he is on a crusade to reform the Royal Family for the good of all and he sees his actions are justified. The interior of the building is not like BP as I know it, but more like a temple. Julie. I would also be warning about shocks along the way until 2026. The latest report (in last 24 hours) Thanks and respect always. Why was that left in as well? Hi Jessica, thank you once again for your great content and providing this positive online space for us all. According to Omid Scobie MM and H are now both stunned at their recent cruel eviction from Frogmore cottage. I am up late transcribing dates from your blogs into my 2023 calendar.I need calendars for a few years ahead, too, because you supply us with many vantage points!! Yes. At least we all know we are being presented with an artificial narrative now, right down to the costume department. I try desperately to hear what is being said but cannot decipher anything. I sometimes appear in the Daily Mail and you can trust that information. Will that be good for me, as well? WOW. I dont buy the message that Harry and Meghan (particularly the latter) are being attacked to divert from Andrew. Ive not looked at the China astrology chart in terms of Andrew and Harry (astrologically, we pair them together, as both were drawn into the Leo eclipse cover-ups at the height of Trump Russia). Thank you very much for your website and the richness of information ! I hope he takes a good look at himself eventually. Racing to The Daily Mail, Lesley. As you say, for healing coming back down to earth. About the publication of Share, it is insinuated that this was done to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom and to alienate large sections of the American population against the British. At that very point I saw Kanga again very clearly and experienced an icy cold wave that swept over me followed by an overwhelming sense of fear. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. She died on 15/11/1997 only a few months after Diana. You have been very kind in relation to Harry, and also fair in relation to Meghan & the possibility of being the target of false reporting & portrayal. Is this a realistic hope given the astrology? Thank you for letting me know about the photograph of Meghan outside Soho House Istanbul. May you live in interesting times as they say. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has his General Synod from 6th February where you can bet Holy Matrimony is on the agenda. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. Julie. But that means something happens to Prince George to take him out of the running. Archery and archers (the synchronicity here is with Archie, Archewell and the Archbishop of Canterbury. You may spend money buying some artefacts or household stuff. And American Russia. This is first class paparazzi stuff. It looked like a family summit. Is The Arab League involved in the Andrew and Harry story? I am a woman of color (mixed per DNA as both my parents are of African American and UK ancestry) who is married to a Caucasian man and we have both experienced the racist remarks and microaggression from dating and marrying outside our race. He will meet his Nemesis,for sure Is there anything else on its way that I should prepare for? On a purely personal level, I think it would be lovely for Charles and Camilla to have had a child, but I realise there are huge ramifications if that is proved to be so. Hello Jessica, Philanthropy Because the royal family would not accept the child? The 4th Sunday of Lent, also Mothers day is when the parable is told in Church. If one were writing the next episode of The Harry and Meghan Show, a separation would be good ratings. Maybe this bound up with the portents you have seen for that month. Hi Jessica, Its industrial-strength propaganda being pumped out online by those who wish the Commonwealth and the Special Relationship harm. Is is possible that Charles could be the father of one or both of Camillas children born in 1974 and 1978, he is the godfather to her eldest? Have you seen the article in the Mail online about Meghan and Clevr? You will be dominated by a person, situation or organisation which can only be handled by using willpower and self-control. Nothing to do with the Church of England but its a fascinating part of her history. Thank you for so much food for thought in your replies. Hi Jessica, How can we not call this out? Welbys reasoning (with tears) being that the CofE must be kept in alignment with the beliefs of African churches. Interesting that the notion of disestablishment was mentioned- even in the negative. The continual resonances and repetitions are fascinating. I would be interested to know if you have any indication that The Queen Mother might have secretly married someone else? Andrew divorced. Thanks for adding to the discussion. 2021 Celebrity Tarotscopes: Psychic Predicts What's to Come for Stars Ukraine has clearly identified support for Russia and therefore lack of support for them in these regions. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. In Britain, again the line of succession was disrupted when George III stepped down to allow George IV to become Prince Regent. Chart houses split the chart into twelve realms, beginning from the Ascendant, which add another dimension of themes corresponding to the signs starting from Aries. Charles doesnt deserve to be rewarded with the crown. Their bishops have refused to back gay marriage. The biographer Tom Bower says Meghan married Trevor under a chuppah, the canopy for a traditional Jewish ceremony. I would not be hugely surprised to find out that the late Queen had set some of this drama in place. I always thought Diana writing the book with Andrew Morton was a turning point and I personally felt that it should not have been published written yes to help with her therapy but published no. I certainly feel this around the Andrew saga. For Meghan, that date, the final week of March, is really about Harry and the dynamic between them. Jessica, a fascinating reveal and questioning from you about Archie!! The wicked stepmother is of course an archetype. I remember in one of Dianas interviews she was saying Prince William May look like me but he is more like his father but Prince Harry will be a better king, he will be a peoples king. Fate. Wow, so if you stay in a place where a Russian spy once stayed you have a link to Russia? Years ago, my son and I read your website every day and followed his horoscope to guide him as he went through a difficult time. There are several cars parking in the forecourt, and there is one a black sports car that I know belongs to a great friend of mine, C.D. Boom. So they should. I see him as a troubled soul who is stuck at age 12 and blames everyone and everything. Among other incredible information, she also says that it wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar. Previously regime change on this cycle such as the Regency of George IV were shocking but relatively peaceful (interesting to see what part, if any, Harry will have to play this time). Has she found her Onassis, someone who can offer her everything she wants. See that bright one next to the moon? Loving your website, and particularly this post and the comments, by the way. Interested readers might want to look at this Wikipedia discussion on the legal aspects (or illegal aspects!) Okay the incident with Prince William isnt the best look, but when you dont have the full story you dont know what pushed him to this point. So my question to you is, will William become King? You mention sister issues. But no it had to appear when Prince Philip was critically ill. Ive been asked by The Daily Express to answer some questions about Harry and I will begin with Russia. I do not know what her motives are, but as Ive said before, I am struck by the sense of a storyboard. Thanks so much for this blog so fascinating and just cant wait to see the astrology of March unfolding. Pluto in Aquarius is one such moment, historically, and its not far away. In fact, the spare rescued Britain during the war. Harry has five placements in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. Harry was obviously the big goal around then. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. And as usual, youre spot on about all it, and about it circling back to those Leo eclipses as youve saidIm remembering the sculpture of Cleos twins with Mark Antony that is said to symbolize a solar eclipse. She has an empty 1st house, she is not Martian at all. Thinking about Harry Styles in One Direction, he was always the one that most people knew and the one who went on to have a completely different solo career than the rest." Libra Moon Our moon.
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